Here are few tips to make it simple for you...
Do not worry too much about the consequences. If you think you are into it, just do it. But you really need to be sure about it.
Take precaution. Unprotected sex for the first time is not a very good idea, for you do not know how would your body respond to it.
Do not try new things. Try to make it as simple and basic as possible. The more you try new things, the more you might just end up getting into trouble.
Prolong the foreplay. Make sure that both of you are in the right state to finally do it. Else, it might just end up hurting a lot, and could have other health consequences.
Mentally and physically you need to be in a consensus with whatever is happening. Else once its done, it might just have an effect on your emotional ego.
Orals are a must. It just makes things a lot simpler and much more pleasurable as far as first time is concerned.
Source: Kanika Shamra
Source: Kanika Shamra