Tuesday, February 9, 2010

When To Say "I Love You"!


Really want to tell someone that you love them. When could be the right moment?

When you are in your senses
The best way to camouflage your true self or your true feelings, is to booze. When you really love someone, you should put under a disguise. More often than not, one speaks his heart out when one is not in his senses, but if you really want to say those 3 words to someone, be sure you are in your senses, so that you can actually mean it. Moreover, then you have a reason to pop up that bottle.

Not in the moment
During a hot, steamy session with beau, one tends to say it getting all caught up in the moment. That could create a confusion, that if it is the orgasm that is making you say it, or may be what he is doing in the bed. So, save it for the later. If you are really liking what your partner does to you when you are together in bed, do tell him that, but not with just those three words.

Let him see it in your eyes
Over the phone, via e-mail, or by text message are all really bad ways to express your love to someone for the first time. If you feel that strongly, look him in the eye and say so. Two, regardless of how many emoticons you throw in an e-mail or text, the message often gets ignored and is not taken seriously. Tell him to his face, so he can read the sincerity in your eyes.

Be the first one
If you think that your partner is having a hard time initiating it, so say it first and take the pressure off him. Guys have an easier time saying “I love you too.” It also gives a boost to their ego and manhood.

What the hell, do it! Ultimately, you love him, don’t you?

Source: Kanika Sharma

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