Sunday, September 13, 2009

Old age sex can be fun!!


As people grow old, they tend to have sex less, despite of whether they are in marriages or not. Married couples between ages 18 and 29 have sexual relations an average of nearly 112 times per year. That rate steadily decreases as people age, so that married couples aged 70 and older have sex 16 times a year on average.

But that fact shouldn't be miss understand as meaning that older people are less satisfied with their sex life. A survey released last year showed that most mid-life and older adults surveyed were either extremely satisfied or somewhat satisfied with their sex life, and felt it was an important quality-of-life factor.

Renowned sex researcher says as people age, particularly men, their expectations about sex aren't as high. A study of over fifty middle aged women found, sex, or even simply physical affection with your partner significantly reduced negative mood and stress and created higher positive moods in the following days. However, ladies the sad fact is, the result was not the same when women had orgasms without a partner and try to satisfy themselves. So home play does not reduce stress however satisfying it may be!

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