Sunday, August 30, 2009

Be Bad girl in bed---Have flaming night

Take over the charge tonight….

Don’t wait for him to initiate sex, don’t suggest it yourself either, just pounce on him girl! You know it takes men less than 30 seconds to get turned on. Once he’s hard and hot, a wickedly sexy woman knows exactly how to exploit the power she has over him. Tell your guy to lie down on the bed, then use handcuffs, scarves, or a necktie to tether his hands together so he can’t touch you. (If you’re not game to use real restraints, you can simply hold his hands over his head.) Next, “you want to torture him playfully with your teasing .Slowly kiss your way down his torso, and just as you get to his pelvis, move back up to his ears and neck. After building up the erotic anticipation, it’ll be like setting a windup toy loose on your body...and hearing him describe how hot you are will turbocharger your experience too.

Try a mischievous costume
To infuse your sex sessions with more attitude try a naughty costume. If you’re feeling like a flirty, girlie tease, put on a white cotton untie set or pale pink lingerie and pull your hair into a ponytail, or don a schoolgirl-like plaid miniskirt with an oxford shirt tied above your navel.

To become an X-rated seductress, wear something red or black in sheer fabric or lace, then add crimson lipstick and paint your nails.. However in all this costume play, don’t put on something that’ll take more than a minute (at the max) to come off. You don’t want him tugging at your clothes all night! Just standing there in your flimsy finest may be enough, but a few teasing lines will definitely get the ball rolling. When playing the innocent card, say it’s your first time, and ask him what you should do. As a seductress, whisper all the different ways and places you want to touch him.

Dirty talking helps….
Moans and sighs (Oh! Oh!) are easy. It’s the dirty dialogue that really puts a triple-X stamp on your sex sessions. “Talking dirty heightens the whole experience, keeps you both present, and turns you on even more.“Plus, men actually like being told what to do in bed because it helps them get it right.”

First tell him how freakin’ good he feels. (Tongue-tied? Try no-fail lines like “You feel so/You make me [adjective]”; “I love it when you [verb] my [body part].”) Then you’re set to show him the way to send you soaring, with something like, “oooh, almost there. I need your [noun] on my [body part], just like this”.

Mirror your sex
Body confidence and carnal curiosity are key traits of a sex goddess, and both are on full display when you make a sex tape.

“Seeing yourselves midact gives you a voyeuristic thrill, almost as though you’re peeping into your own bedroom. It feels taboo, “You also get to see how your partner is responding and how you look when you’re getting off.”

If you’re worried about being a part of a sex tape scandal, skip the tape and put a mirror in front of your bed. Seriously, it can’t get more turning on when there’s two of you and two of him!

Give him a jolt
Breaking out of your touch-here-thenlick-there routine adds a lusty layer to the erotic experience. And fearless sexual playmates know that unexpectedly intense sexual maneuvers are even more exciting. "A forceful touch snaps your guy into the moment and heightens every sensation that follows," "The spontaneity also keeps him anticipating each touch, magnifying his excitement."

Plus, the implied roughness invites him to tap in to his primal, wild sexual self. Grip his butt hard while in missionary, scratch his chest and the sides of his torso while in girl-on-top, or yank his head toward you to give him a passionate, damn-straight kind of kiss. If those moves elicit an excited response, firmly spank his butt, lightly bite his shoulder, or tug his hair in the act, you devilish thing.

Next 5 Artcles:

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Yes!! That’s my hot spot..

Always be honest with your girl if you want that prefect bed pleasure. if you’re too honest about her less-than-perfect bedroom feat, you may win a one-way ticket on the couch. Better plan: Use these subtle techniques to tweak her style without bruising her ego.

Scream it helps
When it comes to sex, you shouldn’t be the strong, silent type. Just like you rely on her moans to clue you in to what she likes, she needs to hear your approval to know what gets you going. We’re not saying you should mimic a porn-flick script, but a well-placed "ooh"or "mmm, yeah" gets the message across.

Oopppssss!! Lie a lil
often say it feels great when you……. Fill in the blanks with whatever you like.if you will do so you might get exactly what you want between the sheets.

“Let’s try this”
Wait until you’re out of bed to suggest a new position, For example, if you’re not into how she sets the pace when she’s on top, say you’d love to try doing it side by side. You’ll have more control to show her the speed you prefer, and she’ll think you’re switching things up, not correcting her. "Best of all, she’ll naturally start to mesh her style with yours.

Next 5 Articles:

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

8 Kinds of sex every couple should try

The hottest couples don't just have great sex — they have embarrassing sex, and make-up sex, and wild, can't-walk-the-next-day sex, and more. And the thing is, every kind of sex is crucial for your bond – yes, even couldn't-quite-stay-awake- to-finish sex. Here's how.
Sure, you and your guy have good sex. Ideally, you have fantastic sex, as often as possible. But there's more to a solid sex life than just straight-up great sex. A truly amazing sexual connection encompasses lots of different kinds of sex — maybe even ones you wouldn't expect. After all, your relationship isn't one-note, so why should your sex life be? "You change, you age, and you grow as a couple in an emotional and an intellectual way," says Laura Meers, Ph.D., a psychologist in family practice in Columbus, OH. "Hopefully you're growing and changing sexually too. And the more dimensions there are in a relationship in general, the more you will see those dimensions reflected in your sex life." See which kinds of sex you and your other half have hit so far. As for the ones you haven't, know what to do.

1. Pushing-Your-Boundaries Sex
There's nothing like the moment when you're lying naked with the man you've known and loved for a long time, panting and puffing, thinking, Wow, we've never done that before.

"People in long-term relationships sometimes crave excitement and stimulation, but don't know how to get it with their partner," explains Meers, who adds that this is one of the reasons people stray outside the marriage. "But you can get that in your current relationship by pushing your regular comfort zone." If you're used to missionary, that may mean trying a new position or a new room in the house; if you're used to stimulation by body parts alone, it may be a sex toy thrown in the mix. And if you feel a little anxious about experimenting, says Meers, all the better: "The anxiety you feel about trying something new mimics what happens when you're with somebody new. So if you can create that feeling within the confines of an intimate, close, trusting relationship, you will keep reenergizing what you have."

And there's another important benefit: Pushing your boundaries helps build trust between you. "When you communicate a desire to your partner — and, ultimately, try it — you're taking a big risk together," says Anita Clayton, M.D., a professor at the University of Virginia's Department of Psychiatric Medicine and author of the book Satisfaction. Taking that risk, she says, is a bonding activity in and of itself.

2. Maintenance Sex
Let's face it — sex just isn't going to be an eye-gazing spiritual encounter every time. "Some couples think everything has to feel perfect, or you both have to be in a sexual mood to have sex, but if everyone waited for that, sex wouldn't happen very often at all," says Clayton. That's where maintenance sex comes in — when you just do it, even if your engine isn't necessarily raring for a ride.

Just-for-the-sake-of-it sex is vital to a long-term relationship, because no matter how much you love your family, your friends, or your kids, and no matter how much time you spend with them, you won't spend time like this with anyone else. "Sex is the one activity a couple has that excludes other people," says Clayton. "It keeps your bond unique and strong." By making a habit of it, you're building regular opportunities for connection into your lives.

Take it from Olivia, 33, a stay-at-home mom in New Jersey who relies on occasional maintenance sex to keep her relationship energized. "My husband always wants to do it, but as a new mom, I'm tired all the time," says Olivia. "But when I make the effort, I always feel closer to him afterward. Even if the sex is mediocre, it feels like we've come together and nothing can get in the way of our relationship."

And let's not forget how good regular sex is for you: It relieves stress, it burns calories, and it elevates your mood, says Meers. According to Olivia, it also keeps her sex drive steady: "Doing it sometimes when I'm not in the mood keeps me geared up for something much hotter other times."

3. Embarrassing-Moment Sex
It's bound to happen eventually: One of you emits an awkward grunt, your sweat-soaked skin slaps together in a cringe-inducing fashion, or your partner pulls or pushes in such a way as to create a "schluup" sound that both of you would like to forget. As mortifying as a moment like this may be — even with someone you've been with for a long time — it is a good reminder that sex is a raw, Discovery Channel kind of act. It's not supposed to be flawless. "Sex is full of smells and sights and sounds; it's natural," says Debra Herbenick, Ph.D., a researcher for the Kinsey Institute and associate director for the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University. "You're having sex with human bodies, and they do funny things sometimes, and that's okay."

And your ability to deal with a red-in-the-face moment — whether you laugh it off or give each other a sympathetic squeeze — says a lot about the strength of your bond. "True intimacy is about being able to feel comfortable and real with each other in awkward, embarrassing situations," says Ruth Morehouse, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and marriage and family therapist in Evergreen, CO.

Noelle, a 32-year-old grad student in Washington, DC, remembers her last embarrassing sex moment: "When my boyfriend pulled out, I had my first 'queef' moment, if I can use that word," says Noelle. "We'd been together two years by then, but we were both stunned and didn't know what to say. Finally I said, 'Whoops!' and we just carried on. I was almost relieved, like it was this big hurdle we finally got out of the way. And because, hey, it's normal."

4. Vacation Sex
"My husband and I had the best vacation sex recently in Hawaii," says Francine, a 36-year-old mother of two from New York City. "We were on the top floor of the resort, so we knew no one was above us to see or hear us. And the room had these huge floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the ocean. It felt like we were having sex outdoors, but without the nuisance of the sand going up our butts!"

Ah, yes, the turn-on effect of the tropics. And thank goodness for it, because vacation sex is a vital part of a good sex life. "On vacation, you're at your most carefree, which means you can try new things you won't have to be accountable for at home," says Meers. In other words, you can have sex on the beach or in a car, or flirt madly in a restaurant, or, like Francine, have what feels like sex in public — all of which you might not do at home, for fear someone you know would see you or find out. "Taking risks like this adds to the excitement," says Meers. And ideally, you can bring that burst of excitement back home with you.

The point is, if life in the bedroom is feeling blah, it's often your surroundings that are getting stale, not your partner. So if you haven't had vacation sex lately, do it! You don't need a plane ticket to get started: "Head to a hotel downtown and call it a vacation," says Meers, who often recommends vacation sex to her clients. "You can look forward to it and build it up beforehand for even better sex."

5. Slow-Road-to-Sleep Sex
We all know by now that it's the journey that really matters in life, not the destination. In sex, that means not every sexual experience should be focused on getting to the orgasm(s). But the truth is, not every sexual experience leads anywhere at all. Some nights, you start out on the journey and you'd like to keep going, but, boy, sleep sounds so darn good too...and that's when things peter out.

Luckily, the experts say this kind of sex is still good for your bond. "Even acknowledging that you want your partner is important, whether or not you follow through," says Meers. If you feel sleep coming on, Meers suggests you say to your partner, "'I love you so much and I want you.' Just saying it out loud, that counts for a lot too." In the meantime, you're just two warm bodies who love each other and appreciate that a sweet, simple touch can be enough for the night.

6. Make-up Sex
It's been said you shouldn't go to bed angry. And sometimes, you can take that to a different extreme, ensuring that after a fight you go to bed happy — very, very happy. Yes, we're talking about the wild and intense world of make-up sex, when one minute you're reeling from anger, and the next you're rolling around making passionate love. Make-up sex works because after a fight, you're raw, exposed, and vulnerable — perfect conditions for intense, soul-to-soul physical bonding. "In many ways, make-up sex restores a level of closeness that you may feel was fractured by the argument," says Clayton. "Sex can repair that fracture."

One commonsense caveat: "Some people pick fights in order to be able to make up," says Clayton. Other couples ignore their real problems and have sex instead. If the only time you're getting along is when you're in the sack, maybe you should take a break from the make-ups and face your issues with your clothes on first.

7. Comfort Sex
If you're feeling sad, depressed, grieving, alone, or hurt, sex can be the perfect antidote. Why? Because it's the opposite of all those things — it's about being close, warm, loving, and together. And because sometimes talking about your troubles or sadness isn't what you want, while sex can be.

"My husband's mom had Parkinson's and a stroke, my dad had major heart surgery, and my mom had Alzheimer's, so my husband and I have spent a lot of time in bed comforting each other," explains Beth, 57, a former teacher and stay-at-home mom in Chicago. "In those times, sometimes it's full-penetration sex, sometimes it's just snuggling, sometimes it's manually stimulating each other, but for us it's important. It makes you remember why you're living. If you focus on the bad stuff to the end, it's not worth it. You have to focus on what makes you want to get up every morning, what makes you want to go through every day. And part of that, for us, is the sex."

That desire for a connection is not only common, says Morehouse, it's important as a life-affirming act in the face of grief. "Sex is a way of declaring your aliveness," says Morehouse. "It's a way of defending yourself against the inevitability of death or loss." Usually, she says, comfort sex is "more poignant, more sweet, and perhaps more emotional than usual" because the desire to connect to life is so great.

And that thriving, healing act can also help people who feel torn apart from each other during a difficult period. "Grief tends to drive a wedge between couples," says Clayton, noting that partners sometimes blame themselves, or each other, during a loss. "I've seen couples break up because something bad happens, but sex can help restore the intimate relationship you have. Instead of letting grief pull you apart, you can use it to pull each other close again."

8. Crazy Hang-from-the-Chandelier Sex
You know what we're talking about: wild, sweaty, so-good-it-makes-you-dizzy sex. No matter how long you've been together, you need to have earthshaking sex like this once in a while — even if it's once in a very long while. For long-term couples, having an extra-hot sexual experience is "like a flashback," says Morehouse. "It can stimulate those early feelings you had toward someone in the beginning, and it reminds you what you're capable of as a couple."

"People think the steamy stuff only happens before you are married or pre-kids, but we are going on 25 years of marriage and still have passionate hot sex!" says Maureen, a self-employed New Jersey mother of three in her mid-40s. She remembers one recent night that felt as hot as the old flames. "I'd just finished cooking dinner, and no kids were home. When my husband came in, he said he was going upstairs to change. But as he kissed me, it evolved from just talking about the day to sex on the kitchen counter. It was totally spontaneous and unexpected!"

This kind of sex is also important on a deeper level. "It requires a lot of intimacy to let your partner see you in the throes of sexual abandon," explains Morehouse. "When you display that side of yourself, you have to deal with questions like, What if my face gets purple or my eyes go back in my head? To express a higher level of sensuality like this is another way of being intimate." And let's not forget how much a toe-curling orgasm does to keep your eyes bright and your soul smiling!

Next 5 Artcles:

Fresh, fun, and sexy date ideas

It's easy to fall into the old dinner-and-a-movie routine, either out of habit or because you can't think of anything better to do. "Once the courting phase ends and people shift into a more comfortable zone, there's less incentive to come up with fresh ideas," says Courtney Cooke, author of Create a Date. "But if you don't mix things up, the relationship can get stale." Luckily, all you need is a little creative inspiration and a sense of adventure.

These suggestions should get you started

1. Have a DIY dinner. Set up a taco bar with all the fixings or make homemade pizza. "Creating something together is interactive, so it brings you closer," says relationship therapist Sandra Anne Taylor, author of Act to Attract.

2. Plan a Sideways-style excursion and hit a vineyard for a wine tasting.

3. Spend the weekend day with your man, sipping cocktails and people-watching at a bar.

4. In the afternoon, visit open houses and fantasize about buying your dream home. "It'll help you look forward to what your relationship can be down the road," says Taylor.

5. Go on an edu-date. Taking classes on anything from Italian to film bonds you and introduces you to new things.

6. Hit a playground or an amusement park. Use the swing set, go on rides, win a teddy bear — you know, have fun like you did when you were a kid.

7. Play around-the-world cocktails. Sample one specialty drink from a wine bar, one from a pub, and another from a Russian vodka room. Take a taxi.

8. Take him to a NASCAR-style event. Any guy obsessed with wheels (aren't they all?) will love a trip to the races.

9. Throw on your sexiest preppy duds and hit the indoor-golf driving range.

10. Pamper yourselves with a couples massage at a day spa. "It's a relaxing, sensual experience that can put you in an amorous mood as well," says Janice Levine, PhD, a clinical psychologist in Lexington, Massachusetts.

11. Book a room at a local hotel for only one night. To add an element of mystery, don't tell him where you're going.

12. Want to know if you have a future with your guy? Visit a psychic. You don't have to buy into her predictions, but at least you'll have a good laugh.

13. Instead of eating dinner in front of the TV, grab a blanket, a baguette, and Brie and have a picnic under the stars. Or nibble on finger foods in bed.

14. Test your luck at a nearby casino or horse race. Bring only a set amount of cash that you can afford to lose.

Next 5 Artcles:

27 Things every woman should know about sex

Lock on the bedroom door? Check. Lustful twinkle in your eye? Check. Read on for the bedroom wisdom you can't live without.
1. Every woman has a surefire happy-making position — find yours.
By all means, try new things, mix it up, find an alternate use for your baby's exersaucer when she's asleep if it adds to the variety — but figure out your no-fail move or position so you know you can always have an orgasm when you need one.

2. That position may change.
Maybe in your misspent youth you were all about acrobatics and funky props, but now you strive for a deep connection with your guy. (Or maybe it's the other way around!) What you crave, both physically and emotionally, can shift over time, says Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., a clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Yale School of Medicine. Pay attention to what you're feeling (or not feeling) and adapt to your new normal.

3. He doesn't have a flaw-o-meter.
That would be you scanning your body for an errant pudge or a dimple in the wrong place. "During sexual arousal, men are experiencing such a neurochemical cocktail rush, they're really just caught up in the intoxication of it all," says REDBOOK Love Network expert and sex therapist Ian Kerner, Ph.D., author of She Comes First. In other words, he's too overwhelmed with joy to notice your "flaws." Put aside your body angst and you'll soon be having as much fun as he is.

4. Sex in a soft, clean, comfy bed is underrated.
You're supposed to want to do it on the kitchen floor, in the airplane bathroom, and hanging from your light fixtures. Bah! There's no shame in enjoying your good sheets.

5. Sex clichés are clichés for a reason: They work.
Get a hotel room. Have date night. Take a bubble bath. For God's sake, buy some scented candles already!

6. Everyone else is not having more (or better) sex than you are.
There is no "normal" amount we should all aspire to, no magic number of times per month that signifies your relationship is hunky-dory. There's only one question you need to answer: Are you having enough sex for you?

7. Asking for what you want is worth the embarrassment.
What's a brief awkward moment of sounding like one of those women at the end of a 900 number compared to, well, getting what you need?

8. You need transition time into sex.
Look at all the people who want a piece of you — your kid, your client, the guy who's supposed to be renovating your kitchen. So don't expect to make the leap from corporate exec or general contractor or mommy-on-the-spot to sex goddess without a little time to reassemble yourself. When you're done with the dinner dishes, take a shower — alone! — or read a book. Better yet, get your guy to do the dishes. After that, you might want to give him some action, after all.

9. The more sex you have, the more you want.
It's simple: Delicious recent memories make you want to reenact the fun. But the reverse is also often true — if you go too long without, you forget how much you like it.

10. Masturbating isn't just for dry spells.
First of all, it's plain fun, and second, when was the last time you disappointed yourself? Not to mention the fact that more frequent orgasms will keep you craving partner play, too (see above).

11. Worrying about your orgasm is the best way to chase it away.
When your mind is roiling, It's not happening...concentrate...he'll think he failed...what's wrong with me?, you're thinking, not feeling. Focus on the lovely physical sensations instead and soon you won't be able to think straight — in a good way.

12. Planned sex can be even better than spontaneous sex.
Anticipation as foreplay. Think about it.

13. Yes, you can give him a hand.
Touching yourself to speed up your happy ending is not only allowed, it's appreciated, especially when your guy has had his neck in an awkward position for the better part of an hour.

14. He doesn't need you to know any fancy techniques.
"There are many paths to male orgasm," says Kerner. As long as you pay attention to his reactions, refrain from inflicting pain (unless invited to) and don't do anything involving teeth (again, unless he asks), you won't hear any complaints.

15. Sometimes what your body lusts for most is sleep.
An "off" night or a dry spell doesn't mean your relationship is tanking. It usually means you have children or a demanding job or you need to be alone in your head. Go ahead, take the night off.

16. But sometimes "Just do it" really does work.
If you wait to be struck with a spontaneous urge to tear his clothes off, you may be waiting a very long time. But if you simply decide to give it a go, your body (and your desire) will often catch up.

17. Kegels are key.
These exercises strengthen your pubococcygeal (PC) muscles, a.k.a. your pelvic floor muscles, giving you more control during sex and intensifying orgasm, says Minkin. To do them, squeeze as if you're holding back urine, then release. (For a more detailed how-to, go to

18. Your birth control method is not till death do us part.
You need to reevaluate your pregnancy-prevention method at least twice in your adult life, says Minkin: when you go from wild woman to a mutually monogamous relationship, and after you have children. Not only does your body change post-baby, but your habits may change, too (making you a less reliable Pill taker, for example).

19. Doggie-style can be fun — really!
It can make you feel a bit raunchy — and that's a good thing. It just suffers from bad PR. Let's change the name — like how the marketing people changed prunes to "dried plums." Hands-free sex? Getting the backstory? Taking the bull by the horns? Heck, call it Loretta, but try it.

20. Pain during intercourse is not normal.
Occasional discomfort may just mean that you're tense or haven't had enough foreplay, but if sex hurts often, see your doctor. "It could be as simple as a low-grade urinary tract infection," says Minkin. Whatever it is, you don't have to suffer.

21. The way your vagina looks, however, is perfectly normal.
And no, we don't have to see it to know that.

22. Props are your friends.
Vibrators, fun feathers, unusually-shaped pillows — you name it, someone has probably patented it. At the very least, these tools will make you laugh, which can be its own turn-on.

23. Sex is how he shows love.
It's an age-old problem: We gals need to feel cozy and loving to want to have sex, and guys need to have sex to access those cozy and loving feelings. "A lot of guys don't have many outlets for communication, and for them sex is a powerful form of emotional expression," says Kerner. Remember that the next time he wants to have make-up sex before you've really made up — to him, sex is a peace offering and a gift of love, all in one.

24. No matter how badly you want to cuddle and fall asleep, you gotta get up and pee after sex.
Why? So you don't get a urinary tract infection.

25. He'll be snoring by the time you return from the bathroom.
The buildup to his ejaculation involves a lot of muscular tension, explains Kerner. When the wave has subsided, he relaxes and sleep-inducing hormones are released. In short, he can't help it.

26. It's okay to simply take.
Consider how you feel when you perform a one-way act on your guy — you get a certain pleasure out of that, right? Don't deny him the same joy.

27. Sex gets better with age.
(or practice, or time with one partner, or all of the above). The future is looking bright!

Next 5 Articles:

Women look for facial aesthetics as sex appeal

Women look for sex appeal, facial aesthetics in men .Women find a combination of sex appeal and facial aesthetics irresistible in men, especially when they are looking out for potential mates, says a new study. "We have found that women evaluate facial attractiveness on two levels -- a sexual level, based on specific facial features like the jawbone, cheekbone and lips, and a non-sexual level based on overall aesthetics," said Robert G. Franklin. Franklin is a graduate student of psychology at Penn State University.

"At the most basic sexual level, attractiveness represents a quality that should increase reproductive potential, like fertility or health." On the non-sexual side, attractiveness can be perceived on the whole, where brains judge beauty based on the sum of the parts they see. "But up until now, this (dual-process) concept had not been tested," Franklin explained. Psychologists showed 50 heterosexual female college students a variety of male and female faces. They asked participants to rate what they saw as both hypothetical dates and hypothetical lab partners on a scale of one to seven.

The first question was designed to invoke a sexual basis of determining attractiveness, while the second was geared to an aesthetic one. This part of the experiment served as a baseline for the next phase. Psychologists then presented the same faces to another set of 50 heterosexual female students. Some of these faces, however, were split horizontally, with the upper and lower halves shifted in opposite directions. The scientists asked these participants to rate the overall attractiveness of the split and whole faces on the same scale.

By dividing the faces in half and disrupting the test subjects total facial processing, the researchers believed that women would rely more on specific facial features to determine attractiveness. They thought that this sexual route would come into play particularly when the participants saw faces that were suited as hypothetical dates rather than lab partners. The study validated their insights. The bottom line is that, at a statistically significant level, splitting the faces in half made the women rely on a purely sexual strategy of processing male faces. The study verifies that these two ways of assessing facial appeal exist and can be separated for women. These findings appeared in the current issue of the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Next 5 Artcles:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How women Judge men for sex?

How women judge facial attractiveness when it comes to potential mates . Psychologists have shed new light on how women judge facial attractiveness when it comes to choosing potential mates. "We have found that women evaluate facial attractiveness on two levels -- a sexual level, based on specific facial features like the jawbone, cheekbone and lips, and a nonsexual level based on overall aesthetics. At the most basic sexual level, attractiveness represents a quality that should increase reproductive potential, like fertility or health," said Robert G. Franklin, graduate student in psychology working with Reginald Adams, assistant professor of psychology and neurology, Penn State. The researcher points out that attractiveness, on the nonsexual side, can be perceived on the whole, where brains judge beauty based on the sum of the parts they see.

"But up until now, this (dual-process) concept had not been tested," Franklin said. With a view to determining how women use such methods of determining facial attractiveness, the psychologists showed fifty heterosexual female college students a variety of male and female faces. The participants were asked to rate what they saw as both hypothetical dates and hypothetical lab partners on a scale of one to seven. Franklin has revealed that the first question was designed to invoke a sexual basis of determining attractiveness, while the second was geared to an aesthetic one. According to him, this part of the experiment served as a baseline for next phase.

The same faces were later shown to another set of fifty heterosexual female students. Some of the faces, however, were split horizontally, with the upper and lower halves shifted in opposite directions. The scientists asked the participants to rate the overall attractiveness of the split and whole faces on the same scale. By dividing the faces in half and disrupting the test subjects total facial processing, the researchers believed that women would rely more on specific facial features to determine attractiveness. They thought that this sexual route would come into play particularly when the participants saw faces that were suited as hypothetical dates rather than lab partners, and the study showed exactly that. "The whole face ratings of the second group correlated better with the nonsexual lab partner ratings of the first group," Franklin said. He revealed that, with the faces intact, the participants could evaluate them on an overall, nonsexual level. "The split face ratings of the second group also correlated with the nonsexual ratings of the first group when the participants were looking at female faces.

The only change occurred when we showed the second group split, male faces. These ratings correlated better with the hypothetical date ratings of the first group," he added. The bottom line is that, at a statistically significant level, splitting the faces in half made the women rely on a purely sexual strategy of processing male faces. The study verifies that these two ways of assessing facial appeal exist, and can be separated for women. "We do not know whether attractiveness is a cultural effect or just how our brains process this information. In the future, we plan to study how cultural differences in our participants play a role in how they rate these faces. We also want to see how hormonal changes women experience at different stages in the menstrual cycle affect how they evaluate attractiveness on these two levels," Franklin said. It has been known for long that women s biological routes of sexual attraction derive from an instinctive reproductive desire, relying on oestrogen and related hormones to regulate them.

Scientists have also known that the overall aesthetic approach is a less reward-based function, driven by progesterone. How this complex network of hormones interacts and is channelled through the conscious brain and the human culture that shapes it is a mystery. "It is a complicated picture. We are trying to find what features in the brain are at play, here," Franklin said. The studys findings have been reported in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Next 5 Articles:

Friday, August 21, 2009

Eat right for steamy night!!

Sometimes even after marrying the partner of your choice, you are not able to experience good time between the sheets. Well, most of us face this monotony of sex life happening to us now and then. Instead of having a separate account of Viagra created on your bills, why not just pep it up with right eating. What say?

Go Green
Include the green leafy vegetables, roughage and milk products in your diet to enhance the vigor and vitality. The options are spinach, broccoli, granola, oatmeal, peanuts, cashews, walnuts, dairy, ginseng, chickpeas and seeds.

A Nutty Affair
Nuts are a great source of energy and pass on the much-needed strength. The high-energy protein B3 found in nuts enhances the blood sugar level, which further boosts up the sexual ability.

Hot as Chilly
A small amount of chilies in your diet actually works. Chilly peppers are known to stimulate the nerves endings making the physical encounter much more satisfying. Also, Garlic is a rich source of Allicin that facilitates the blood flow to vital sexual organs ensuring arousal and sustainability when you get intimate.

Sleep with Soya
Replace your regular pouch of milk with Soyamilk and watch the difference. Soya maintains the Estrogen levels in women and assists in enhanced stimulation when taken in moderate quantity.

Being rich in Vitamin C strawberries instantly improve the physical urge in both men and women.

Ummmmm...... Chocolates
Chocolates are the eternal symbol of passion. They can serve as a great sex accessory while you indulge in foreplay. Try something exciting like licking hot chocolate cream from each other's body or try a chocolate massage together.

Hang 'over'
Try pouring wine on each other. Apart from ensuring a grand foreplay feel, its aromatic value adds to the sexual drive.

The Grape Drive
You can also try out a variety of fruits during sex. Feeding each other grapes can be extremely romantic while you can also try out other fruits as well.

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Top ten attributes a guy want in you

1.Dress for your body,not your man
Just because it looks good in the magazine or in the shop window, doesn’t mean it will suit you and your body. Whether you have a tiny waist and large hips, long torso and short legs or tend to be a bit round all over, there are things you should wear – and things you shouldn’t. The trick here is to go shopping with someone objective, someone who will be honest about what looks good on you. If all else fails, invest in a session with a personal shopper. They will save you from many fashion missteps and teach you what works best for your body type.

2. Show him your best feature
Make-up isn’t for everyone, but that doesn’t mean you can’t dabble. There are simple ways to shine the spotlight on your best features and minimize the ones you don’t want him to focus on. Head to your local department store and ask them for a makeover. Yes, they will encourage you to buy things, but at the end of it, you’ll know how to show off your high cheekbones, while making the dark circles under your eyes disappear.

3.Skin talks a lot
Many of us are not born with flawless skin. But even if dewy and glowing aren’t what stare back at your in the mirror, do what you can with what you have. Wash the make-up off before you hit the pillow, moisturize, wear sunscreen (always), and splurge on a session with an aesthetician so you can learn what products best suit your skin type.

4. Gym it out
Whether you’re trying to lose that last ten pounds or you just like that post-workout glow you get after your kickbox class, exercise is your friend, especially if you want to find – and keep a guy. It will keep you in shape, boost your confidence, tone you up in all the right places and just make you feel good.

5. Be optimistic
If you have a positive attitude, you have a better chance of attracting a date. “What goes on in your head is one of the most important things that can make you more dateable,” MacDonald says. The more positive you feel, the happier you will be and the more pleasant you’ll be to spend time with.

6. Be a little naughty...It works
Flirting is all about creating a rapport and making a connection with someone, ideally, someone whom you’d like to get to know better. Not comfortable flirting? Practice wherever you go — the more you do it, the easier it will become.

7. Be a good listener
No one wants to date someone who makes them feel boring. You don’t have to jump up and down every time he opens his mouth, but pay attention to when he talks. “Be sincerely and genuinely interested in what the other person is saying,” explains MacDonald.

8. Hob to hobby
In order to have something to talk about and an identity outside that of your potential significant other, you need a life of your own. This could be a book club, pottery class or weekend mountain bike races. Regardless of the activity, do something for you, that you enjoy so you aren’t so wrapped up in him that you drive him insane.

9. Be a balanced conversationalist
Some people dominate the conversation, some people stay quiet. Others ask so many questions they make you feel like you’re under investigation by the FBI. Being a good conversationalist means having the right balance of talking, asking and listening.

10. just be confident babes
Obviously, confidence doesn’t grow on trees, and unless you count the liquid variety (i.e. vodka), it doesn’t come in a bottle either. But if you feel good about yourself, you will be more attractive to the opposite sex. The more confident you are, the less desperate you will appear. And we all know that desperation does not usually lead to a full dance card.

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try Tantra wear for tantric sex

Even today cultures think of sex as sinful or a taboo topic, while others follow a medical model that reduces sex to a form of physical excitement that builds to release through orgasm. Orgasm is seen primarily as an autonomic response to stimulation, resulting in ejaculation for men and vaginal contractions for women.

Tantric sex, on the other hand, is based on a totally different approach. Based on esoteric teachings of several eastern religions, Tantric sex slows down the sexual activities and moves toward deeper relaxation, instead of charging through the activity and using excitement as a means to an end.

To have a complete unrestricted pleasure one should forget about wearing expensive lingerie. Why wear clothes that are restricting you when your whole intention is to relax and let go?
Tantric wear makes you feel and look sexy that ultimately effects between the sheets. It makes you feel comfortable, relaxed, and free to move around.

You can lounge in it, and fall in love in it.Tantra wear shows off your sensational appeal and style. Tantra wear gives you freedom of movement, while showing your freedom of style. Experiment with interesting styles that reflect your expanding consciousness and growing level of confidence.

Look for soothing cottons or sensuous silks.Tantra wear comes in many different shades of white. T-shirts, Tank tops, White linen dresses.Styles that hang open and give you freedom of movement.

Look for underwear that feels good and looks good.'s not tantra wear if it doesn't make you feel good in it. Try drawstring pants, easy pull-on sweats, sweat shirts and more.
Chose Bras that have soft cups and front hooks. Boy briefs are new and sexier updates of traditional briefs. Thongs and Bikinis should fit perfectly and make you feel sexy and nice.

Let go of expectations. If you’re receiving sexual stimulation, don’t worry about outcomes. If you’re giving sexual stimulation, don’t worry about performance. Instead, simply allow the experiences to occur; feel the energy as it flows between you. Once this happens, you will realize that the medical model of sexual fulfillment isn’t the only way to make love.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First date conversation tips

A successful first date conversation has less to do with what you say and more with how you say it. Below are five tips to help you talk your way to a second date.
Tip #1: Have confident body language
First dates can be nerve-racking for the sheer fact that you don't always know what to expect. However, there are a few tricks to looking confident even when you're quaking in your heels. First, maintain eye contact throughout your conversation (but don't over-do it; it's not a staring contest!) If you feel your voice becoming shaky, stop for a moment and take a deep breath before you resume speaking. Also, watch for any nervous behaviors like tapping your fingers on the table or shaking your foot. Besides potentially annoying your date, they are dead giveaways that you're anxious. When all else fails, acknowledge the elephant in the room and admit you are excited to be there, but feeling a little jittery. (He's probably nervous too.)

Tip #2: Don't be a chatterbox
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in wanting our date to like us that we forget that we're supposed to be evaluating his potential as well. Counteract this and avoid talking too much by asking him fun, insightful questions that will helpfully reveal what he's passionate about. Some ideas to jump-start the conversation: Do you have any siblings? How about pets? Where has been your favorite place to travel to? Have you read any good books or seen any films recently? Don't forget to follow-up on what he's saying if anything in particular catches your interest.

Tip #3: Keep your answers concise and upbeat
On a first date, you don't want to be guilty of TMI. You both are just getting to know one another, so it's best to accentuate the positive, as the saying goes.
Foe example, if you're currently unemployed (which is understandable in this grim economy) and he asks you what you do for a living, just mention that you're currently between jobs and looking. Don't go on and on about what a jerk your former boss was and how unfair it was that they laid you off. You risk turning him off and giving him the impression that you're a high-drama person, even if you're not.

Tip #4: Be prepared
Besides, waxing your legs and teasing your hair, brushing up on current events, both nationally and in your community, can come in handy on a first date, especially if the conversation should slow at some point. Even if you're not a news buff, skimming a newspaper or taking a quick scroll through should suffice, as men love to explain things anyway. Avoid sensitive subjects such as politics and religion, however.

Tip #5: Keep the date short
At this point, you should be well on your way to becoming an expert on at dating small talk however, even when you're feeling major sparks, resist the temptation to do a marathon date or talk to each other all night long. It's always best to leave them wanting more, so be sure to save something to chat about on the second date.

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Romancing in the cubicles

Walking over to the coffee machine and shooting a quick smile as you pass her cubicle is the most fascinating thing that keeps people in corporate to work in longer shifts without complaining.

However, this 9 to 5 romance structure, fondly called as office-romance, is a tricky thing to handle.

Those who believe that the idea of blossoming an affair in the office isn’t against professional ethics, support the thought stating its human to love.

The need to be around her is much more than the peanuts offered for overtimes. Therefore, it is believed that having a fling in the office keeps the person cheerful and increases his eagerness to work more for the company.

Pros and cons:
Although, having an affair isn’t such a bad thought always but, sometimes, it can spell disaster. It all depends on how you handle it. If handled appropriately, it can blossom into a beautiful relationship as both the partners get plenty of time to spend together and understand each other.

On the other hand, if the things fall apart, it can create very depressing situations and can also lead to lawsuits of sexual harassment. A broken-heart can lead to very uneasy situations among the employees and even affect their productivity.

In case of an employer-employee/boss-subordinate affair, the employer is always on the mountain edge as he can be accused of favouritism and sexual harassment.

Dos and Don’ts
It is quite easy to confide about your relation during a banter with office colleagues. However, this isn’t advised at all. Keep the relation as private as possible to avoid any sort of gossips making rounds in the office.

You wouldn’t like to brew unhealthy gossips of you both doing rounds in the grapevines, affecting your careers. Would you? So the best thing to do is not to divulge conspicuous signs.

Try not to talk too much or too less to your partner after entering into a relation. If you used to sit and chat, keep doing that. Don’t change; as change is the first sign that people tend to search to concoct gossips stories.

For heavens' sake, keep your hormones under control. The urge to get close to your partners should be the last thought in your mind. Stealing a kiss or two can seem to be fun, but office isn’t the place this ‘fun’ activity should be carried out.

Oh no, don’t even think about going into the lifts and have a quick-kiss-session, most firms have camera’s installed in the elevators for security reasons. Unless you want to give the security guy some spicy stuff to keep him entertained and excited about his boring work!

Most of the companies are technically equipped to check your mails and chats, so your corporate email isn’t the best route to express you brimming romantic feelings. In case, you feel to express your feelings, use your personal email.

Closed-door meeting are definitely a big no-no. One, it would smoke off rumours; and two, office isn’t the place to date, take her to a decent restaurant. Isn’t a candle lit restaurant any day better than a air-conditioned cubicle?

Over-protectiveness is the best sign to smell office-romance. People tend to appreciate or become part of a topic related to their partner, even if they weren’t asked to be a part of it. Try not to poke your nose into topics involving your partner, until you are asked.

No employer would be against a healthy romantic fling in his/her office only if it doesn’t affect the productivity of his employees in a negative manner. Don’t let your productivity plummet because of your relationship.

Another conspicuous sign is to walk into or out of office as a couple. Be it an office party, or a one arranged by your coworker, until and unless, you both used to come together to such parties, avoid creating a suspicious situation. Your alibis of car-pooling and ‘just gave her a lift’ etc would not work.

In case, the relation gets strained, the best you two can do is to sit and clean up the mess before coming to the office. However, if things are so messed up that you cannot even concentrate on your work, decide amongst yourself who would resign.

Above all this, the first and foremost thing you need to figure out is HR policies of your company regarding such relationships. Some companies are dead against office romance and entering into one might cost you your job.

So before your hormones start kicking in on the glimpse of your lover, just check that you have enough bank balance or guts to happily receive a pink slip on your next meeting with your HR head.

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Friday, August 14, 2009

Women like to target men who are already in relationships

London: A scientific study has found evidence that women like to target men who are already in relationships. Researchers at Oklahoma State University in the US use the term "mate poaching" to describe this phenomenon.

During the study, they showed a picture of a moderately attractive man or woman to participants. Half of the participants were told that the prospective mate was single, while the rest were told that they were not. Researchers Dr. Melissa Burkley and Jessica Parker observed that 90 per cent of the women participants were interested in a man when told that he was in a relationship, compared to 59 per cent when told the same man was single.

"This finding indicates that single women are considerably more interested in pursuing a man who is less available to them," the Telegraph quoted them as concluding. "This may be because a man who is attached has already shown his ability to commit and, in a sense, has been pre-screened by another woman," they added.

The researchers also noted that men, on the other hand, expressed no preference about whether a woman was in a relationship or not. "The results showed that only single women were more interested in pursuing an attached target rather than a single target," they said. A research article describing the study has been published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

The best sex of your life: 4 Tips to improve your sex life

There is no glass ceiling when it comes to pleasure. Even if you’re already masterful in the bedroom, there’s always room for growth. Below is our guide to having chandelier-swinging, nail-clawing, heart-clutching sex.
Couple in Bed


When it comes to having great sex, knowing what you’re comfortable with in the bedroom is just as important as technique (or being freakishly flexible.) Feeling in charge of your sexuality is a non-negotiable requirement on the quest to mind-blowing sex, so if you’re lacking in the sexual self-confidence department, now is the time to bone up. Dance around your apartment naked, schedule some me-time with a vibrating toy, buy yourself a hot dress – whatever you do, find a fun way to increase your sexual confidence and awareness on your own, so that you’re better able to rock your man’s world later on.


Foreplay is to sex what stretching is to a workout; you have to prep your body for what’s to come. Some men may want to fast forward to the main event, so you must be firm on this and not allow them to skip the pre-show. Kissing, groping, biting, and stroking are all excellent go-to moves; however, nothing is more beneficial to amazing, orgasmic sex than a sensual, tantric massage. Not only do massages feel good, but, as an added bonus, they warm up your skin and connect you with your partner. So put on some sexy music, light a soy candle, and take turns massaging each other, head to toe.


If you’re in a relationship, what was once great sex can become stale if you’re not careful. You may ask yourself ‘what happened?’ or feel like the spark has dimmed, but in reality, you just need to change things up. There is nothing more exhilarating than the unexpected, so experimenting with different positions or introducing a toy might be all that is needed to put the “oh yes!” back into your lovemaking. For inspiration, flip through a book with your partner, such as The Position Sex Bible or The Position of the Day Playbook. The Kama Sutra is also a classic.


For most women, exhilarating sex means stronger, more frequent orgasms. While you can’t climax at will, there are ways to increase the probability of an orgasm. Start with strengthening your PC muscles with sexercises, relax as much as possible, and of course, practice a lot!

Lastly, it’s important to remember that great sex isn’t about having perfect technique or rock solid abs, instead, the best sex of your life will happen when you are completely in the moment, ferocious with lust, and having fun.

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Restart your sex drive

The popularity of television shows like Sex and the City has shown that women are interested in sex. Unfortunately, real life tends to get in the way. From taking care of the kids, the house and oftentimes dealing with work on top of that, there isn't always enough time or energy left over at the end of the day.
Man and Woman
Despite the challenges, there are women who are enjoying an increased sex drive after kids, but for many it remains a continuing problem. Here, moms share their hints and tips about what has helped them improve their sex drive.


One of the reasons many women report an increase in sex drive as they get closer to age 30 is because they begin to feel comfortable with themselves. Having a child forces women to focus on the good things their bodies do, and for some this feeling carries over and permanently changes how they see themselves.

"Having a son made it actually 'hit home' that I was a woman. A lot had to do with my inner feelings about myself," says Joyce Anthony of Pennsylvania.


Don't try to do everything yourself. If you're too tired to stay awake for sex, it obviously isn't going to happen. Ask your partner to help out. If they know that it will make you more likely to be open to sex later, many partners will jump at the chance. Aline Zoldbrod, PhD, a Boston-based sex therapist and author of Sex Talk: Uncensored Exercises for Exploring What Really Turns You On urges women to "stop being a superwomen." "You will never feel sexual if you are exhausted and depleted and up to the gills in responsibility. Ask for help. Buy the brownies, don't bake them."


Sometimes all it takes to get things moving again is a change in scenery. Try staying at a hotel for the weekend to get away from your regular life. Look at your partner suggestively while at a party. Sleep in the nude. Try something different sexually that you have always wanted to try.

"Initiate sex," recommends Rhea Palmer from Tennessee. "Buy some sexy panties and wear just them to bed. Take control and be sure he knows what you want. I think foreplay is the key to anyone who has a lower sex drive."


Getting physically active can help women increase their sex drive in two ways. First, we feel better about ourselves, so we are more likely to feel comfortable enough to be intimate with our partners. Second, according to Debbie Mandel, author of Turn on Your Inner Light: Fitness for Body, Mind, and Soul, exercising releases hormones that raise your libido. Strength training in particular helps releases testosterone, which increases sexual desire.


Many women, especially those with younger children, are very reluctant to give up sleep for sex. When they are "on call" 24/7, sleep becomes a precious commodity.

"I really think it all boils down to exhaustion in my case" states Kate*, a mother ofDo Not Disturb Sign two in Pennsylvania. "I'm just too tired. If I get a few minutes to myself, I just want to sit, and veg, and interact with no one."

While many women agree with these sentiments, some pleasantly discover that when they give in and forgo sleep for sex, they really enjoy the results. The key is remembering these times when libido is low. Sex is actually a great stress relief.

Anthony reminds women that "great sex calms your nerves, actually gives you greater energy, helps you sleep sounder and generally increases your mood."


If, even after trying various things, your desire level is still low, you may want to try these two tactics:

One, if you had a sex drive before, think about what has changed. Zoldbrod recommends making "a list of the ingredients of your 'sexual recipe' back in the days when you were feeling more desire. Look at the list and see how far your current experience has diverged from your old experience with sex."

Make sure you discuss this with your partner, but be careful to not lay blame. You are simply trying to brainstorm ways to make things better, not point fingers.

Two, go to your doctor. The cause may be hormonal. Sometimes problems with the thyroid can cause desire problems for women. Also ask your doctor about birth control pills. Some doctors, including Dr Andre Guay, the director of the Center for Sexual Function/Endocrinology, think that the hormones in birth control may have something to do with low desire.

Whatever the cause, increasing your sexual drive will benefit your marriage and your well being. Make the effort. Kelly Muzyczka in Pittsburgh recalled telling her husband that they were so likely to be interrupted that she would rather say no and be frustrated than say yes and be annoyed later. "I think now that I was wrong. Try anyway. It's worth it for the times you DO succeed."

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