Thursday, July 30, 2009

Taking it Sexual

There's somebody in your social circle that you're interested in, maybe you've got her number, or even been on a date or two. In each case it's likely that you want to take things sexual, but you don't really know how. You don't want things to remain as they are for too long, as the girl will start seeing you as a friend, or worse, a provider rather than a lover. You don't want to lunge in suddenly with a kiss or grope, the transition needs to be made smoothly, here's how:

1. Don't talk to her like she's your friend:

Sexual tension won't be generated if you're having casual conversations with her, or talking about her man problems. To create the sexual tension, you need be having conversations that: challenge her; tease her; or make her feel emotions. By challenging her, getting her to prove herself to you, she can see that you are the chooser and she must win over your approval. Teasing her is a brilliant way to increase the sexual tension, anything where she is laughing and playfully hitting you will help you greatly escalate things sexually. Try to make her feel emotions, talk to her about her passions, what she desires and her previous encounters of being in love. Relationship talk - what she is searching for in a relationship - is also good.

2. Touch her in the right way:

You can't interact physically with a girl in a friendly manner and expect her to feel a sexual connection. A friend would touch her on the arm or kiss her on the cheek when meeting; but there are two ways that you can escalate touch in a physical way: playful touching and sexual touching. Playful touching is fairly safe things like tickling her, play-fighting, poking her, etc. - but it still creates sexual tension. Sexual touching is putting your arm around her, touching her hair or touching her hands (for these you can use an excuse like looking at her jewelery or hair accessories if you need to). These are all actions which lovers do, and her friends don't. It is important to carry out a number of these to make sure that you stay clear of the "just friends" zone.

3. Be seductive:

So now you are able to talk to her, and touch her in a sexual manner, but then what? You now need to be able to act seductive towards her. If you are acting like her friend, there will be no form of sexual thoughts running through her mind. The factors to focus on when stepping up the seduction are:

  • Hold strong, passionate eye contact.

  • Slow your speech, deepening your voice.

  • Look at her like you want her.

  • Gaze at her lips and leave pauses where you just begin to look at each other.

  • If she is comfortable in this situation or returns your seductive gazes, it's on!

Follow the above advice and you will no longer need to worry about letting a girl know that you are interested, or when to move in for the kiss. Most importantly, you won't need to fear falling into the 'friends' category.

Next Articles:

5 Ways to Make a quick Connection

Ten benefits of sex
Why do we love?... Science has the answer

Top 10 sex hush-hush (make your partner ask “your place or mine")

Sexlicious: have greater SEX!

5 Ways to Make a quick Connection

Being able to quickly establish a deep bond with a woman is an ability that most guys lack. Often guys speak in a logical manner, not listening to the woman and turning every conversation back to their one and only talking point: themselves! This makes it hard to make proper connections and the woman does not feel as though she has had a great conversation.

Here is what you need to do to overcome this:

1. Relate things to them, not just to you or your life:

When somebody tells you that they have just had an interesting experience, like going to Thailand for example, it is a common mistake to instantly relate it back to yourself with your personal experiences of Thailand. Instead, try to imagine their experience, bringing out their memories and showing an interest in their unforgettable holiday. Don't immediately make yourself the subject of the conversation, first connect for a while allowing the woman to elaborate on her experience and then it is fine to relate it to yourself.

2. Use what they give you:

When someone is talking to you they usually give you information about themselves: their feelings and their lives. These are perfect opportunities for foundations of connections. Often people ignore these and talk about themselves; instead, grasp every opportunity and connect on each point before moving on to the next.

3. Be Observant:

Women have usually put a lot of effort into their appearance and often, to their dismay, this goes unnoticed. By picking up on something interesting in the way they're dressed or a particular aspect of their outfit (their bag might match their shoes, belt, earrings and dress), they will be impressed with how observant you are and be glad that their effort hasn't been overlooked. You can pick up on general aspects of their appearance or comment on jewelery and accessories which often have meaning or a story behind them.

4. Be empathetic:

When someone has an interest, passion or particularly strong opinion on a subject, there are three main ways of connecting to it. The first is to simply say "me too" that shows you have common interests, the second is to disagree (but be sure to back up your views). The third and most effective response is to show that you can understand her passion, interest or view - even if you don't share it. For example, if someone likes cooking you can show that you understand why she might enjoy it without actually sharing her passion.

5. Talk about things that evoke feeling:

Find something that they are passionate about - it could be anything from friends and family, to travel or even ballet. Connect with them on these subjects by showing that you understand why they have that particular passion. Don't simply gloss over them by saying "me too" and instantly changing the subject. Try to keep the conversation going and lead on to ask about her other interests.

Use these steps during conversation and you will quickly form a connection within hours, as opposed to weeks.

Next 5 Articles:

Ten benefits of sex
Why do we love?... Science has the answer
Top 10 sex hush-hush (make your partner ask “your ...
Sexlicious: have greater SEX!
You Think you had an Orgazm?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ten benefits of sex

Although nobody needs a reason to have sex, But just in case, here are some proven health benefits of your sack session. Have fun - and stay healthy.

Sex mitigates anxiety

A major health benefit of having sex is lower blood pressure and overall anxiety reduction, Women who have sex regularly live longer than those who don't. Sex can also make you feel younger. Women who enjoy sex feel two to eight years younger than they actually are (on average) and men who have 150-350 orgasms yearly feel the same way.

Sex Boosts Immunity

Good sexual health may mean better physical health. Having sex once or twice a week has been linked with higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A or IgA, which can protect you from getting colds and other infections. Scientists at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., took samples of saliva, which contain IgA, from 112 college students who reported the frequency of sex they had.

Sex Burns Calories

Thirty minutes of mattress dancing burns up to 85 calories or more. It may not sound like much, but it adds up: 42 half-hour sessions will burn 3,570 calories, more than enough to lose a pound. Doubling up, you could drop that pound in 21 hour-long sessions.

Sex Improves Cardiovascular Health

The researchers found that having sex twice or more a week reduced the risk of fatal heart attack by half for the men, compared with those who had sex less than once a month. Men who have sex at least twice a week cut their risk of developing heart disease by half. There's no conclusive evidence about the impact on women, but we reckon it's worth a shot.

Sex Improves Intimacy

Having sex and orgasms increases levels of the hormone oxytocin, the
so-called love hormone, which helps us bond and build trust.
According to study, more contact, the higher the oxytocin levels which leads to intimacy. "Oxytocin allows us to feel the urge to nurture and to bond," Higher oxytocin has also been linked with a feeling of generosity. So if you're feeling suddenly more generous toward your partner than usual, credit the love hormone.

Sex Reduces Pain

As the hormone oxytocin surges, endorphins increase, and pain
declines. So if your headache, arthritis pain, or PMS symptoms seem to improve after sex, you can thank those higher oxytocin levels.

Sex Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk

Frequent ejaculations, especially in 20-something men, may reduce the risk of prostate cancer later in life, a study diagnosed men with prostate cancer and those without, they found no association of prostate cancer with the number of sexual partners as the men reached their 30s, 40s, and 50s.But they found men who had five or more ejaculations weekly while in their 20s reduced their risk of getting prostate cancer later by a third.

Sex Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles

For women, doing a few pelvic floor muscle exercises known as Kegels during sex offers a couple of benefits. You will enjoy more pleasure, and you'll also strengthen the area and help to minimize the risk of incontinence later in life.To do a basic Kegel exercise, tighten the muscles of your pelvic floor, as if you're trying to stop the flow of urine. Count to three, then release.

Sex Helps you sleep better

The oxytocin released during orgasm also promotes sleep, according to research. And getting enough sleep has been linked with a host of other good things, such as maintaining a healthy weight and blood pressure. Something to think about, especially if you've been wondering why your guy can be active one minute and snoring the next.

Next 5 Article:

Why do we love?... Science has the answer

There are lots of reasons why we fall in love. Some of them are cultural – we look for people who like what we like, people who have a similar intelligence level to us. But you could also walk into a room full of people who meet these criteria – and you won’t fall in love with all of them obviously. It’s about chemistry from that point.

Well, it’s not just humans who fall in love. Animals do it, too. Animals will always choose a mate, even at the height of their fertility, when they should really just be mating with anyone! Animals become devoted, just like we do. We differ from animals because we show attachment – we’re monogamous (or, most of us are). We’re able to build long-term attachments.

And how does that work?

Principally, there are four personality types: builders, negotiators, explorers, and directors. Builders are very social, good at managing people, cautious and calm. Negotiators are intuitive, they see the big picture, and they’re imaginative, philanthropic and compassionate. Bill Clinton is a good example. Explorers are spontaneous, creative, generous and curious – like Barack Obama. And directors are analytical, tough, direct and good at sciences. Explorers tend to partner with other explorers. Builders fall in love with other builders. Negotiators and directors are a good match.

Cupid’s arrow at first sight?

We hear about this all the time, don’t we? So much of our popular culture and literature is about falling in love at first sight…but there’s also proof to suggest people really do fall in love at once. In a study, ten per cent of people said they fell in love the first time they met their partner. I think men are guiltier of this than women – they’re far more visual than we are.

Are men and women attracted to different things?

This is an appealing question, because answer often offends people! But the traits that we’re attracted to have a lot to do with evolution. Men will seek mates based on youth and vitality – because they’re going to be able to rear children. Women look for partners with resources, because they’re able to provide for them.
Next 5 Articles:

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Top 10 sex hush-hush (make your partner ask “your place or mine?” )

Try these 10 sex hush-hush and make your partner ask “your place or mine?”

Exercise regularly

Research suggests that people who exercise regularly have increased blood flow to the pelvic area, improving their sex drive. Yoga, in particular, is great for circulation. You may also try tantric sex to invigorate the sex power.

Turn of the TV

A recent study shows that there's a clear link between watching too much TV and erectile dysfunction. The lesson? Put down the remote, and pick up you know………

Pick a good time

We have better, more frequent orgasms during day’s six to ten of our menstrual cycles. So better schedule your sex according to it.

Have a scent-sual eruption

Stress can really hinder our sex lives, so unwind by using lavender oil. It's been proven to reduce stress and make people more relaxed. You may also try some flavored condoms for that fragranced love,

Don’t drink before sex

We all know that too much alcohol can affect erections - so if you want to have real great sex, skip the binge drinking and stick to one or two glasses of wine. Wine pep and tickle the hormones that are responsible for orgasm.

Skip the candlelit dinner

You'll be more aroused by doing something active before sex - dancing, playing sport, or even just laughing together.

Share responsibility

Thank God for feminism - gender equality leads to better sex. A study showed that couples who live in areas that promote equality of the sexes have better sack sessions.

Eat some garlic

Yep, I mean it. Garlic contains allicin, which boosts blood flow to the pelvic area. Other aphrodisiac foods include strawberries, pumpkin seeds, chilies, asparagus, celery, bananas and figs.

Check your blood pressure

High blood pressure isn't only bad for your health; it could also impact on your sex life.
High blood pressure can affect your ability to orgasm, decrease your libido and hinder erections

Get in touch with your sensitive side

A recent study shows that women who are "emotionally intelligent" have better sex lives.

Next 5 Article:

Sexlicious: have greater SEX!

Sexlicious: Eat to have greater SEX!

An excellent sex life doesn’t just happen – it requires a little help, which means a balanced and nutrients diet combined with regular moderate exercise and a positive attitude. These are all key elements in helping to keep your sex drive high and your reproductive system in good working order. It cannot be ignored that there are certain nutrients which have the power to regulate the levels of sex hormones in your body, and some can even help to protect your reproductive system from the potentially damaging effects of infection or disease.


A be short of zinc can cause infertility and impotence, and while moderate amounts of alcohol can help people to feel relaxed.

Caffeine in coffee, tea and cola drinks can reduce libido.

Being either overweight or underweight can reduce the libido and impair fertility. A certain level of body fat is necessary ovulation and menstruation, and when fat drops below a certain critical point, ovulation and menstruation both cease. At the other extreme, obesity can impair ovulation in women.

A negative attitude to your weight or body shape can dent your confidence in sex and relationships.

There is perhaps more than a grain of truth in the theory that oysters are good for your sex life, as they are the richest food source of zinc, and zinc is known to be one of the key nutrients involved in enhancing libido & the production of sperm. Low levels of zinc have been linked both with poor libido in women and with a low sperm count in men. You can obtain zinc from shellfish (particularly oysters), whole meal bread, brown rice, dark green leafy Vegetables, lean red meat and turkey.

Next 5 Articles:

Monday, July 27, 2009

You Think you had an Orgazm?

Your calves tense. Your hips grind. Your back arches. The outer third of your vagina begins to contract every 0.8 seconds, your womb balloons to nearly double its size. Then, finally, there’s a release of tension. These are the signs you’ve experience an orgasm.

But what if you’ve never felt one, two or any of the above? Or, you’ve felt some of them but not in that order? Does that mean you’ve never really come? Don’t panic! An orgasm, can in fact, be none of the above. Whether you’re a screamer or a gentle moaner, understanding your O is guaranteed to make it better.

While science says that at its most basic, an orgasm is an involuntary muscle reflex, new research from the UK reveals the definition varies from women to women. While a third of women studied reported they’d had an orgasm, monitors recorded they had experience no muscle reaction at all. They’re minds said they’d come, but they’re bodies denied it, proving orgasm transcends science to be a far more complex blend of body and mind.

Relax, it’s all good…

In reality, more than a third of women don’t climax during penetration alone, and 80 per cent of those who do, don’t come every time. Many women rely on clitoral stimulation to achieve orgasm, while some women report ‘no-touch’ orgasms (where they climax without stimulation) and others say they have multiple orgasms. Fact: it’s easier for women to achieve multiple orgasms than men. While they’re possible for a man, his first orgasm must occur without ejaculation and without losing his erection. Women, however, can learn that ability (usually masturbating) to ‘come again’ within a minute or two of their full orgasm.

So, what’s the deal? Is your orgasm as orgasmic as your friends? Answer: there’s no right, better or ‘real’ way to achieve an orgasm,”. Do it the way that pleasures you best”.

Next 5 Article:

Think dirty, down dirty for great ORGZM!
Tuck that tummy in now - Sex Please!
5 Ways to Build Your Sexual Confidence
Quick BYTES to pep up your sex life……
How women could spice up sex with emotions

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Think dirty, down dirty for great ORGZM!

Some Bad news for men! A latest research has shown that women can actually achieve successful orgasm just by thinking naughty and dirty.

Now, if all the men think that its your mesmerizing power between the sheets that can give your lady a high charged orgasm, sorry the recent study busted that bubble.

When they do, their brain activity looks alike to how it does when they touch themselves. While this might sound a bit far fetched, it is true. For a long time, scientists thought it was a myth, but thanks to the high strength scanners, we’ve seen they are experiencing real orgasms, through the power of the mind alone.

Fantasies can help!

The four pairs of nerves that trigger orgasm are in the clitoris, vulva, vagina, cervix and uterus. When they are stimulated, signals travel up to the sex centre of the brain, where chemicals are released. Only when a key chemical — dopamine — is released into the deep front region of the brain do women experience sexual pleasure. Other signals then travel down the spinal cord and out through the nerves — cue heavy breathing, flushing skin and a racing heart beat. At the same time the hormone oxytocin gushes down through the bloodstream heading south to stimulate the uterus to contract. While you sink into that throbbing spurt of action, there’s your orgasm.

Sexologists here in India are not surprised by the finding that a woman can climax without any manual stimulus. Why orgasms produce pleasure still needs to be researched, say experts. But who cares? As long as they do, we women folk are happy! While this research finding serves an immense purpose in the understanding of sex, it has raised concern in the medical fraternity. “It is true that a woman can fantasize herself to an orgasm. But what would happen to all the men if women stop needing them for sex?”

The multiorgasmic tendency of women also gives them this edge over men. The fact is that women beat men hollow when it comes to their capacity for sexual pleasure, admit sexologists. “A woman can have about four to six or sometimes even eight orgasms in a single session. The female physiology is such. After having an orgasm, men take about 45 — 60 minutes before they can have another. But women can lap up a couple of these blissful sensations.

Next 5 Article:

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Tuck that tummy in now - Sex Please!

We have all heard the phrase “a healthy sexual appetite.” Usually, it refers to an individual’s ravenous desire for sex.Having sex feels great. If done correct, we feel good during sex for the physical pleasure it provides, and we feel wonderful after sex for the emotional connection created through the romantic adventure with our partner. Many people, however, do not necessarily feel good about their bodies’ appearance in general and especially not when they’re making love. If this is the case, they cannot completely enjoy the experience.

Like bears going into hibernation, some people dive beneath the sheets as soon as they climax. It’s certainly easy to lose the afterglow when a beam of light glimmers on the flab about which you’re so self-conscious. People get so busy focusing on their rolls of unwanted fat that they forget all about the “meat”—the joy of giving and receiving love, which is, after all, the main ingredient in our human sandwich!

This is a problem that plagues a large percentage of our population. In fact, studies have shown that the great majority of women think they’re too fat. It’s time to do something about that! To help you improve your body’s shape and your body image is the primary reason I wrote this book. And what better way than with sex, on the Ultimate Sex Diet!

Just as too much exercise, or the wrong kind of exercise, can be counterproductive, not all sexual activity falls within the realm of the Ultimate Sex Diet. For instance, scientific studies show that having sex with multiple partners can increase a man’s risk of getting cancer or certain other diseases by up to 40 percent. That’s because he runs a greater risk of contracting a sexually related infection that might compromise his immune system.

Moreover, certain relationships give you a head start toward getting the most benefit from making love. For example, if you marry your partner, you are more likely to engage in sex more frequently.

Marriage increases your life span. Over twice as many divorced and widowed men, and one and a half times as many single men, die before married men do. This expanded life span also applies to married women. About 10 percent more wives outlive single women, and 50 percent more outlive divorcees and widows. Apparently, “happily ever after” really means happily ever after—plus a few more years.

Often, your partner does love you for better or for worse, so you alone hurt your self-image when you complain about your least favorite body parts and do nothing to change them.

Many women use the images of supermodels in bikinis, which they see on television or in magazines, to give them the incentive to lose weight. Unfortunately, this practically ensures failure since most women lack the body type to ever look like these supermodels. Instead of helping you lose weight, these images can actually make you feel inferior, leading to depression and binge eating.

5 Ways to Build Your Sexual Confidence

It's a common experience to feel a lack of sexual confidence around women. When you're not sure what to do to satisfy her, you'll end up projecting a nervous attitude towards sex.

But while lots of guys experience some form of anxiety you CANNOT let this affect your performance in the bedroom. It's important to understand what pleases women and then DO it. Only then will you be able to display an unstoppable amount of sexual confidence

In this article, I discuss a few simple techniques you can use to build your sexual confidence and become the best lover your woman's ever had. Let's get started...

Tip #1- Maintain a relaxed attitude
The quickest way to become anxious about sex is to get all "worked up" before doing in the deed. When you act this way, you'll end up making her share these nervous feelings. As a result, she'll be turned off by your low self-esteem.

Instead of being nervous about sex, you should remind yourself that it's a completely natural part of relationship. Even if something bad happens, learn to roll with the punches and maintain composure. In other words, stay RELAXED!

Tip #2- Understand sexuality
One of the best ways to become a sexually confident guy is to understand what really pleases a woman. If you understand how to give women pleasure then you'll discover it's easy to be a great lover.

The best way to do this is experiment with the following
• Oral sex
• Locating the G-Spot
• Teasing and being seductive
• Building anticipation for "the main event

Tip #3- Delay your gratification
As you've probably realize, your sexual confidence stems from being able to please a woman. When you can please a woman any time and any place, you'll project an authoritative aura to those around you.

And one of the best ways to demonstrate this quality is to delay your own pleasure during sex. If you provide multiple orgasms to a woman before worrying taking care of yourself, you'll transform into a seductive lover.

Tip #4- Be aggressive not timid
Many guys have low self esteem in the bedroom because they're afraid to take initiative. Believe me- Women WANT you to take control when you're in the bedroom.

Once you understand how to give women pleasure, be the one to be aggressive and give her what she wants. Women are turned on by many things. Primarily, they LOVE a guy who acts like he can barely control himself when being intimate.

Tip #5- Understand her needs
Women are strange creatures. While you might encounter some that know what they want, most women won't provide a clue about their needs. So it's up to you to do some exploration and figure out what pleases her.

By experimenting with various techniques, you'll eventually encounter the things which drive her crazy with passion. Then it's up to you to give this every time you have sex.

Sexual confidence comes down to understanding women and being able to discover what pleases them. If you follow the five steps I discussed in this article, then you'll be on your way towards becoming her best lover!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Quick BYTES to pep up your sex life……

Want your partner to ask "your place or mine" try these quick bytes which is goanna rock your sex life .

Pretend you just met him

"When your sex life started to slow down, start thinking about how another woman would see your partner if she just met him -- and this would impress him. You do things like buying new lingerie, getting up just a little earlier than usual to join him in the shower or making time to play later in the tub. You will totally rediscover each other's sexiness after that."

Tease each other

"Sometimes, when your partner and you wake up and hear the kids, we start kissing and caressing anyway. Of course you don't continue, but you get all worked up and then go all day stealing little looks and kisses. Sure, you could duck away and end the torture, but think that secretly, you both enjoy this little dance. It definitely keeps things exciting!"

. Act on your moods

The problem was that even if you were in the mood when your husband was at work, by the time he got home you’d be too exhausted. It started to get so frustrating! Then, you figured out a plan. Every time you get in the mood during the middle of the day, you put a blindfold or something suggestive under his pillow. Even though you may be too tired to initiate sex later, he finds the little clue and definitely gets the message."

How women could spice up sex with emotions

After a recent study revealed that women with high emotional intelligence have better sex lives, psychologist Jo Maddocks and sexpert Susan Quilliam have come forward to give ladies with flagging libidos a boost.

"Everyone is born with a capacity for high levels of emotional intelligence, but this can change as we go through our general life, depending on what happens to us," the Sun quoted Jo as saying. "We may lose touch with our emotions because they become too hard to address, stemming from our past experiences."

"We can then start to use coping methods preventing us thinking about them - such as getting angry, or staying quiet and bottling everything up - methods that can become addictive. These mechanisms are then often used to deal with anything in our lives - including sex."

"Building bad attitudes can also directly impact our relationships with other people too. "A negative attitude, poor body language and extreme reactions can shape the way people treat us too (even sexual partners) - making us feel even more isolated and troubled."

"It is acknowledging the emotions and stopping them from ruling our behaviour that gives us emotional intelligence. The key is to make small changes to our behaviour, rather than attempt to overhaul our whole personality. If you feel ignored or left out at work, for example, try saying hello to colleagues everyday as they walk in to gain a sense of belonging. If you find yourself getting extremely emotional, try acknowledging your feelings before they escalate into this."

"Making small behavioural changes can really help you regain control throughout your life," Jo added. Quilliam said that having control of the emotions not only means being calmer and happier, it also means feelings won't get in the way of sex lives. "There's a whole variety of ways that emotions can affect your sexuality," Quilliam said.

"Anxious people often can't let go enough to orgasm. While those with anger problems, while sometimes ravenous for sex, can become so adamant on controlling their anger they stop feeling sexy. If we have control, we tend to feel confident and proud of ourselves, meaning our sex lives benefit. And, as Jo explained, higher emotional intelligence means better relationships with others, which also applies in the bedroom too. If we are more willing to trust in bed, then again sex is going to be better. It's a virtuous circle," Quilliam added.

Next Article: Preserving romance

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Preserving romance

It's true. It's blind. It's romance. And it lasts about a minute and a half.

You want someone to love you. No question. But someone who spots your finer qualities, and loves them, can be depressingly elusive. As for stumbling on someone who appreciates you on a bad hair day, that can be a really tall order.

So when you do find someone, it's your glossy best you aim to display. That's romance for you. The delightful blurring effect of the rose coloured lens. The candlelight feels delicious and cosy. It softens the distinctive features that make both of you the people you are.

After a while you start to feel this tension. Romance is yummy and you want to hold on to it. But there is more to you than is on show. When your unique, individual style gets a look in will it snuff out the candlelight?

If you need to squash some bits of you to keep basking in that rosy glow, how good does the romance feel? What happens when some of those warty bits slip the leash and make themselves startlingly obvious?

The pressure builds. It pushes you from romance to something else. You find your feet more often on the ground. Growing familiarity begins to replace novelty and excitement. Your focus becomes sharp and clear.

Sometimes a good clear look is all it takes for a relationship to shut up shop. Sometimes the relationship was all about feeling the romantic buzz and when that goes so does the reason for the relationship.

Sometimes romance lays great foundations for love. You just need to figure out how to build on them. You wanted someone to love you. You thought this new partner was a real cracker, but now you wonder if they're a fizzer instead. If you feel square one getting closer you might want to ask yourself just how keen you are to really love someone else?

Loving someone takes courage. The best dressed, best behaved self they show you first is relatively simple to enjoy. It might be a whole lot harder to keep your heart open when the face you see is scared or pompous or critical.

Daring to acknowledge and accept all that your partner offers moves you both into uncharted territory. You encourage them while they explore. Your support helps transform their inner map. They'll discover some of their buried treasures. Some of their scary ‘there be dragons' spots become less alarming and more known.

You learn to be the kind of person who can support this particular partner really well. You discover talents in yourself you never knew you had. Some of your own dragons might just disappear or transform in the process.

This is when you get the best chance to really enjoy romance. When you've got the hang of being open with yourselves and each other, you don't have to hide or worry or impress. You trust each other. Your partner knows you stretch yourself when they need something hard for you to offer. You know that they dig deep for you as well.

Treasure that early flush of romance. Try to preserve it as it is, and you'll pickle it. Let it grow, and it will keep on sprouting when your relationship is due for a little spring.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hypnotherapy may zing up your sex life!

I'm sure that "boring love" is not something you want on your dating résumé. Want to put the ignite back in your marriage? Go get a "brainwash" -- that is what more and more Britons are opting for. Scores of married couples are turning to hypnosis to enhance their sex lives, a therapy which experts claim turns back the clock to make partners seem as striking as they did in the first flush of romance.

In fact, it's so commanding couple’s sex lives can be changed overnight . In a relationship that's gone a bit cold and lacking in passion, hypnotists can put the fire back. After a while, people get obsessed with the things that are wrong in a person rather than focusing on the things they like. We can stop them seeing those faults.

Use of so called 'anchors' which evoke feelings from the start of a relationship -- it can be a song playing when they met, a photograph of old times, even a smell. These anchors it takes them right back to that initial sexual excitement.

As well as boosting bedroom performances, hypnotherapy is even being used by cheats to help convince partners they've been faithful. And some lusty lads turn to the technique to help them bed babes they thought were out of their league.

Triumph with women is not all down to looks. It's much more than that. If you really want to get that person, you can, if you believe yourself to be really good-looking and believe yourself to be worthy.Women go for that. They're attracted to poise and power. With a bit of self-belief people can really up their game and punch above their weight

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


According to Yoga philosophy, sex is a very natural function, extremely necessary in an affectionate relationship and also vital for the persistence of the human race on the earth. A branch of yoga called Kundalini Yoga is specifically concentrated about sex and asana for harnessing the sexual power. Yoga through its various asanas and breathing techniques help one redefine one's sexual life. It is also very necessary in relieving stress and relaxing one's body, preparing one for a healthy sexual life and relationship. Read on to explore more…

Yoga asanas advances flexibility and stamina for enhanced sexual intercourse. Regular practice of these positions strengthens the reproductive system an also improves fertility in both men and women.

Also, these positions can be used creativity by the couple during sexual intercourse. Here are some yoga asans that will help in boosting your sex life.

First is the lotus position. In this position the person sits crossed legged such that each foot is paced on the opposite thigh. Back is straight and hands positioned on each knee. The thumb of each hand should be pressing gently against the index finger. This asana improves the physical stability of the person. It is the same asana which has been portrayed by Hindu lord Shiva in many Vedic scriptures.

Next is Sirsana. In this yoga asana, the person stands on their head and the weight of the body is put on the elbows. This is known as the king of all asanas. This is because the head rests on floor as the crown. Apart from being helpful in strengthening sex organs, this asana enhances blood circulation of the entire body.

Next is Halasana. In this, the posture of the person resembles a plow. To do this asana, you will need to lie straight on the floor. Lift both legs together and gradually brings them behind the head. Allow the toes of the feet to touch the ground. Maintain the cycle of inhale an exhale well. This asana is especially good for women. It strengthens the pelvic region.

Improved sensitivity
Yoga helps in improving one's sensitivity. Its breathing exercises help a person conquer his anxiety and participate in sex with a fresh vigor. When a person is relieved from tension and stress, he/she will actively contribute in sexual activity. Other than this yoga helps in improving better understanding of self and flanking leaving a person more understanding and emphatic about other's need.

Better orgasms
Yoga helps in achieving better orgasms. Most importantly, it helps in a strengthening one's pelvic floor muscles and sex organs. Several Yoga asana are also helpful in harnessing better sexual powers. As Yoga also helps in relieving stress, it also enables to liberate muscle strain, which in turn helps in gaining flexibility.

Enhanced energy level
Yoga is very helpful in accumulating energy. Several yoga asana are extremely beneficial for energy harnessing as well as gaining more endurance and fortitude. Body with endurance can retain long in sexual activity without getting tired. Thus yoga provides one with more energy to deal with sexual activities.

Improved Fitness Level
Yoga makes one feel more active and fit. It also makes one aware of his potential capacity. Apart from giving vigor and endurance, it helps in improving posture coordination and balance. The muscles are also greatly toned during yoga and respond more positively during intercourse leaving a better experience with sex.

Knowing And Experimenting More Positions
Yoga helps in knowing about several sex positions. However many of them can't be performed with a stiff and flabby body. Later toned muscles and flexible body achieved through yoga help you experiment with these positions also.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sperms travel faster when females are attractive

Melbourne: A new piece of research on red junglefowl, an ancestor of chickens, has shown that males can adjust the speed and effectiveness of their sperm, based on whether they find their mate attractive.

Published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the study adds to the growing body of evidence that males from promiscuous species, including humans, increase the chances of fertilisation when the female is deemed to be attractive.

"Female attractiveness is determined by the expression of a sexual ornament - the comb - which is phenotypically and genetically correlated to the number and mass of eggs females lay," ABC Science quoted co-authors Dr. Charlie Cornwallis, of the University of Oxford, and Dr Emily O Connor, of the Royal Veterinary College, as saying.

For their study, the researchers collected natural ejaculates from dominate and subordinate red junglefowl males housed at the University of Stockholm. They reveal that the males had either just mated with attractive or unattractive females. The researchers later separated the sperm from the seminal fluid, and analysed the quantity and characteristics of both.

"There was a strong relationship between sperm velocity and the volume of the ejaculate sperm came from," write Cornwallis and O Connor, adding that males allocated "larger ejaculates to attractive females".

Although the researchers have yet to unravel the mystery behind it, they have an have an intriguing theory. "Males may alter the velocity of sperm they allocate to copulations by strategically firing their left and right ejaculatory ducts, which can operate independently," they say. Thus, according to them, stimulation from sexy, attractive females leads to the double firing.

"Furthermore, differential firing of left and right ejaculatory ducts may contribute to how males strategically change the number of sperm in their ejaculates, a phenomenon that is widespread, but for which the mechanism remains unknown," they say. The researchers now hope that future studies will better identify how males adjust the sperm and seminal fluid in their ejaculates, and how this affects fertility rates.

Tag: SPERM, MALES, ATTRACTIVE, FEMALES, EJACULATES, RESEARCHERSMelbourne: A new piece of research on red junglefowl, an ancestor of chickens, has shown that males can adjust the speed and effectiveness of their sperm, based on whether they find their mate attractive.

Published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the study adds to the growing body of evidence that males from promiscuous species, including humans, increase the chances of fertilisation when the female is deemed to be attractive.

"Female attractiveness is determined by the expression of a sexual ornament - the comb - which is phenotypically and genetically correlated to the number and mass of eggs females lay," ABC Science quoted co-authors Dr. Charlie Cornwallis, of the University of Oxford, and Dr Emily O Connor, of the Royal Veterinary College, as saying.

For their study, the researchers collected natural ejaculates from dominate and subordinate red junglefowl males housed at the University of Stockholm. They reveal that the males had either just mated with attractive or unattractive females. The researchers later separated the sperm from the seminal fluid, and analysed the quantity and characteristics of both.

"There was a strong relationship between sperm velocity and the volume of the ejaculate sperm came from," write Cornwallis and O Connor, adding that males allocated "larger ejaculates to attractive females".

Although the researchers have yet to unravel the mystery behind it, they have an have an intriguing theory. "Males may alter the velocity of sperm they allocate to copulations by strategically firing their left and right ejaculatory ducts, which can operate independently," they say. Thus, according to them, stimulation from sexy, attractive females leads to the double firing.

"Furthermore, differential firing of left and right ejaculatory ducts may contribute to how males strategically change the number of sperm in their ejaculates, a phenomenon that is widespread, but for which the mechanism remains unknown," they say. The researchers now hope that future studies will better identify how males adjust the sperm and seminal fluid in their ejaculates, and how this affects fertility rates.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sex in Public... Go wild!!!

Sex in public perhaps, reminds you of your sexual fantasies in teens... Those days when you watched that hot secy and her boss in a raunchy session in the cabin and your libido got a high!!! Man, you so dreamt of making out with the hottest chic in a public or semi-public places.

Well, sex in public doesn't mean having explicit sexually. It's a deadly combination involving high risks and creative spontaenity that gives stimulus to the brave ones who would dare to bare! So, I give you some very unconventional ideas to satisfy your "here and now" urges.

1. Elevators: It's oh-so-hot to make out in the elevators... college lifts, office lifts, even hospital lifts (depends on the reason you're there). High-risk zone. You never know how soon someone presses that button, and you're exposed. But believe me, if you love to risk things and go all wild, it's the place to be.

2. Changing Rooms: This one's a pretty safe bet. I mean, c'mon, You are in, checking out if that particular dress fits your girl well, or that shirt size is fine to your guy. And then, whose bothered once the door is latched. But yes, you gotta make it real quick, because you can't keep checking those dresses and shirts forever.

3. Train/Plane: I know, I know... it's moving, but then it's rockin' too. Only if you got what I meant. Lavatories could be places to look for, or even recliner seats when it's a hault flight. Limited places in a train though, but AC loos are where your sexual journey may begin.

4. Sleeping Bags: Ah! It's a delight to be entwined into each other because of the sheer lack of space. Fitting the two of you into something thats crafted for one itself sets the temperatures high. Hardly any air to pass between you guys. Be an opportunist. Are you still waiting for a cozier place?

5. In the balcony: No physical risks involved. It's your home and you have your spacve altogether. Getting wild together in a blanket can be plain ecstasy. The aura is perfect with light breeze blowing and starry sky, with just you both. My only concern here is, just watch out for the passerbys who have stopped and are looking straight up...

If you have a weird place to suggest, please go ahead with sharing the idea. After all, we must mutually benefit from each other. So, are you ready for a 'quickie'... Keep searching for wilder pastures to sex-it-up...!!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

12 things to avoid when it comes to sex

Washington: While much has been written about how to boost action in the bedroom, there are things one should never do when it comes to sex.

In her new book, titled Sex with Your Ex 69 Other Things You Should Never Do Again... Plus a Few That You Should , author Dr. Yvonne K. Fulbright has mentioned things that one should strictly refrain to keep a healthy sex life, reports Fox News.

And, according to her, the don'ts of sex are:

1. Never have a "type" of orgasm

Have your orgasm Instead of trying to have a breast, clitoral, G-spot or blended orgasm, forget the labels and have yours. Don t worry about having a specific type, but focus on pampering your whole body, attending to any of its hot spots. This beckons your orgasm by not being so goal-oriented.

2. Never talk about past sexual relationships

Don't invite distress into your current romance by reminiscing about the good times or bad times you've had with other jerks, hotties, players or loves. Focus on the present and making it the most memorable.

3. Never let sex get routine

While it's wise to get in a routine to make sure sex happens, don't let the sex itself get routine. This only invites monotony and the mundane. To keep things hot, be sure to keep things new and fresh.

4. Never just lie there

A big complaint you ll hear from men and women alike is that their lover didn t do much of anything during sex. Men have grumbled that she doesn t move during lovemaking. Most people like an active lover - one responsive to the action, which shows that they re into the moment.

5. Never move in together (or get married) a second time

Things didn't work out the first time for good reason. Maybe you love each other, but if you're incompatible or fight too much, it's better to cut your losses and move on to a situation that does work.

6. Never drink cheap beer and stay overnight

Don't set yourself up to be someone's gassy guest. Get the walk of shame over with sooner rather than later, lest you stink up someone's bedroom and bathroom. This is not the kind of lasting impression most seducers are after.

7. Never drink more than 1-2 glasses of alcohol

While spirits can do a lot for one's spirits, sexual self-confidence, and libido, keep your booze to a minimum. More than a couple of glasses can cause erectile difficulties in men and vaginal dryness in women. Being buzzed or drunk can also lead to high-risk sexual behaviours.

8. Never compare yourself to Victoria's Secret or Abercrombie models.

It's no good to think that these real-life moving mannequins are the standard by which you should judge your face or form. You've got your own unique look and that can be super sexy, depending on how you wear it. That starts with a smile and indicating to others that you feel quite good about yourself.

9. Never totally trust magazine sex tips

Don't mindlessly copy magazine sex tips. Think about the suggestion first. Is it hot or completely ridiculous? Will it work for your sexual relationship? Or does it have the potential to sabotage your sex life?

10. Never douche before sex

Despite popular belief, douching is not a safe or healthy way to clean the vagina. Doing so upsets the vagina's delicate chemical balance, increasing your chance of developing pelvic inflammatory disease or other health problems. Let the vagina naturally cleanse itself and worry about other much sexier activities pre-sex.

11. Never attempt tricky Kama Sutra positions if you are not flexible.

Stick with pursuing sexual positions that are comfortable for you.

12. Never listen to somebody slamming your sexy self.

Is a guy suggesting that you get breast implants? Is some gal making fun of your penis size? In either case, ignore the criticism, or in the very least, fire back.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

3 Love Making Tips for Married Couples

By Susie Collins and Otto Collins

Since you've probably been making love with each other for a number of years and wonder why you need to read an article about love-making, you may be in for a few surprises if you do.
There might be a few things that you've forgotten along the way and there might be a few things that you might want to try that are new.

So here goes a few love making tips just for you...

1. Make time for love and romance. Time can certainly slip away from you and you can put love making on the back burner, figuring you'll get to it when things calm down. If you're like most people, you have to make time for what's important in your life. If intimate time with your partner is important to you, make time for it. If being spontaneous never seems to work out, schedule a "love date" and then don't allow "life" to get in the way.

2. If you don't feel like making love, say so, but be honest with your partner and yourself why you don't feel like it. Sounds simple but sometimes it isn't. Very often, physical ailments-real or imagined-are allowed to interfere with being intimate. Sometimes you just are too tired and love making is the furthest thing from your mind. Whatever the case, be honest with your partner and then make a "date" when you know that you'll feel better or have more time to devote to each other. Don't use the old "I have a headache" excuse when you are really feeling disconnection from your partner. Deal with the issue and you'll feel better.

3. Focus on each other and not on the kids or your work. Clear your mind from extraneous thoughts, worries and fears when you come together for love-making. If it isn't possible to do that, tell your partner that you need some time and then take a walk to clear your head. You may need to talk about some problem or clear up some issue with your partner. Do it and then focus on how much you love each other.

There are many other things you can do to create more passion in your love making and increase your connection. It takes learning some new skills and creating some new ways of being together.

Talk between the sheets

If you are asked your three wishes, what would they be? Well, I can't say about the other two wishes, but I am sure one wish would be to have lots of sex. Regrettably, many people are not capable of having sex due to sexual problems. But fortunately, most of the sexual problems can be treated successfully.

One of the easiest way is just talk between the sheets. If you have to invent something to say, then you are thinking too much just say it at once. The best you can do for him is to just let yourself enjoy what's happening and don't even think about whether you are making a sound or not.

It is a lot more significant than you think. In fact, there are women out there who will tell you that they enjoy the foreplay MORE than the actual sex. This is certainly not something you should be improvising on. There are techniques which will set up for amazing orgasms when you get into the sex. It really is just a matter of learning them.

Source: Megha Chaturvedi

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Love handles can ruin a woman's sex life

London: Love handles may be stopping you from getting frisky between the sheets, a new UK report claims.

According to a survey of over 2,000 men and women, carried out by magazine Cosmopolitan, a majority of British ladies worry about their podgy tummies when they're getting dirty with their partners. The participants were asked what part of their body they stress about when getting down to business, reports The Sun.

Sixty-one per cent of ladies said they are bothered by their bellies, while more than one woman in ten is concerned about breasts and bottom, the study found. Only six percent were worried about the sight of their pins, and didn't like the look of their legs, the survey also revealed.

What's more, one woman in three is so worried about wobbly bits they avoid certain positions when getting busy between the sheets.

However, when it comes to men, they're least bothered about how they look in the buff. Nine out of ten blokes said they never let their body issues interfere with bonking, although they did prove to be a bit sensitive about their beer guts.

When quizzed about what body part they most disliked, a majority of men said their bellies

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Honeymoon: The much awaited vacation

There is no human act in which a person reveals himself or involves himself so totally as in love. In love the best that is in man is brought out to the best advantage. How true this is of marital love! In the sacrament of marriage a man and a woman become one with Love Himself.Whatever brings a husband and wife closer to one another (mutual consent, devotion, and sacrifice) can bring them closer to God; and whatever brings them closer to God brings them closer to one another.

Marriage Requires Mature Personality

One of marriage's chief contributions to those who enter into it is the enrichment of the personality of partners. This is so because love urges one's personality to go beyond itself. If the marriage has constant sharing and there is mutual giving, husband and wife together become finer personalities than either could have been alone.The strengths of one offset the weaknesses of the other. When in one person there is deep need for comfort, affection, and reassurance, the other gives with generosity. Each contributes love, respect, and happiness to the other. Partners with mature personalities in the making always give of themselves in marriage. This is not a 50-50 sort of arrangement, but a total 100-100 living of giving. In marriage, husband and wife belong entirely to each other — one in mind, one in heart, and one in affections. This unity of love is essential to marital fulfillment and success.
The Honeymoon

To help the newly married couple make the new and more intimate adjustments to each other that marriage requires, a honeymoon of some fashion is planned. "Very commonly the honeymoon takes the form of a trip.This affords a change in environment and removal from old associations. It has importance also in that it affords restful quiet. All this should be helpful in making memorable and pleasant the important transition from courtship to marriage, from the exciting or hectic anteroom to the deeper and more real joys of married life.”
The honeymoon trip, so much a part of today's marriage, is of fairly recent origin.In planning such a trip, newlyweds should keep in mind that they are beginning a long journey through life together. A honeymoon, therefore, is no time for strenuous traveling and sight-seeing, especially if the time at their disposal is short. It should be long enough to escape the horseplay of their friends and short enough so that they will not become bored with each other.Because of the strain and tension during the days preceding their wedding, newlyweds should seek a place of rest and quiet. Getting off on the right foot in marriage is important.In making honeymoon plans, the couple should not only eliminate fatiguing sight-seeing, they should face up squarely to the problem of finances. To avoid financial difficulties, it is well for them to form a budget at the outset. Overspending on a honeymoon is no way to start a marriage.Adjustment takes time, patience, respect, and consideration for the other person's feelings and attitudes.Haste, lack of the most tender consideration, ignorance of each other's sex nature, and an absence of complete trust in each other can shatter the happiness of the honeymoon, if not the happiness of marriage itself.

That is why it is all important for those about to marry to consult an intelligent doctor and priest to learn the positive side of chastity in marriage.Some newlyweds spend their honeymoon in the privacy and comfort of their own apartment or home. They do this to eliminate the problems of fatigue and finances that so frequently take their toll of those beginning married life. There is something to say for this type of honeymoon.Providing adequate privacy is assured, money the couple save which otherwise would have been spent on travelling and hotel accommodations can now be spent on home or apartment furnishings.It has frequently happened that honeymooners have returned home only to wish that they had not made such an expensive wedding trip. Before embarking on the road of life together, a smart couple should weigh well both types of honeymoon.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Learn the perfect French Kiss...

Learning how to French kiss isn’t difficult at all, the hard part is learning how to French kiss well. The basics of French kissing include the lead-in, the kiss itself, and the aftermath. Each of these sections will be covered to help you learn how to French kiss like you’ve been doing it your whole life.

The perfect French kiss can turn a simple date into a long and happy life together. The perfect kiss can also turn you into a wanted man very quickly, so lets get started.


The moments that guide you into the French kiss is called the lead in. If you’re on a date, don’t begin planning strategy until after dinner. During dinner you’ll get to know your date and figure out the perfect location for your first kiss. During this time also you’re setting the stage so you can figure out how to kiss the girl and what she likes.

When you figure out the perfect time to go in for the kiss, you could stare into her eyes, pretend to go in for a kiss and see her reaction, or you could kiss her innocently on the cheek or forehead. Then when the moment is absolutely perfect and you know it is what she wants, lead inwards. Try parting your lips gently and go slow. Be sure you have gotten a clear signal from your date before you continue.


When you first learn how to French kiss, the follow through is the most difficult part to gauge. Important things to remember during the kiss include breathing, tongue movement, and hand positioning. In movies, there’s a reason the characters turn their heads to the side; to prevent passing out during a steamy make-out session.

Your tongue plays a very important role here to. Do not just shove your tongue in her mouth, roll it gently around with hers until you find a good rhythm. Learning how to French kiss also means figuring out what to do with those hands during the kiss. The cardinal rule of French kissing is that your hands don’t wander below the neck until you get the OK from your kissing partner.

Good hand placement is cupping the face, or caressing the back of the head. Whatever you choose, make sure you’re gentle.


The aftermath is just as important as the kiss; how you behave after the kiss lets your partner know how you felt about it. After a hot and heavy kissing session, you can’t be expected to say much, but what you do say will determine if you’ll get the chance to show off your French kissing skills again.

Getting the moment right after the kiss is a key element in knowing how to French kiss with class. If your kiss is at the end of the evening, give a farewell peck on the lips along with a promise to call or if all goes really well, you might just want to set up the next date.

Why macho guys seldom get the girl

Washington: In a study on men from South American groups, called Waoranis- known for their aggressive, vengeful behaviour to obtain more wives and children- scientists have found that the macho guy do not always get the girl. An international team of anthropologists working in Ecuador conducted the study.

"In 1988,Napoleon Chagnon published evidence that among the famously warlike Yanomamo of Venezuela, men who had participated in a homicide had significantly more wives and children than their less warlike brethren. Our research among the Waorani indicates that more aggressive warriors have lower indices of reproductive success than less warlike men," said Stephen Beckerman, associate professor of anthropology, Penn State.

The Waorani are rainforest manioc horticulturalists and foragers, known for warfare and murder. They practiced their violence on each other as well as on outsiders. Eventually, over a period of 14 years, the missionaries pacified all the sections of the Waorani population, bringing an end to the aggressive warfare and raiding.

"In light of the documented abundance of wild resources, resource limitation cannot be considered the cause of warfare among the Waorani," said Beckerman. The Waorani Life History Project looked at how a man's participation in raiding correlates with his survivorship and that of his wives, the number of his wives and the number of children he produced and their survivorship.

For the study, the researchers interviewed men in 23 settlements, focussing mainly on any man old enough to have experienced warfare before the pacification that could be found and who agreed to the interview. They collected Waorani men's genealogies, reproductive history, narrative personal life history and warfare history. The raiding database contained 95 men.

"Our sample of warriors includes both living and dead men. We ranked aggression by the number of raids they participated in. Our analysis is free of the problem caused by the inherent correlation of the warrior's age with both participation in raids and reproductive success," said Beckerman.

The researchers found that more aggressive men do not acquire more wives than milder men and they do not have more children as well as their wives and children do not survive longer. In fact, warlike men have fewer children who survive to reproductive age.

The findings have been published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
Next Article: Love, aaj kal

Love, aaj kal

"To let or not to let (…the cat out of the bag, of course)?' was the obvious question that haunted the previous generation youth when it came to informing their parents about their love interest. It was a secret guarded closely. The more careful one would keep the proverbial cat inside the bag lest they should spill the beans!

So, in a setting where the father was (or perceived to be) the unrelenting Akbar-e-Azam and the mother was not a shadow of the gentle Jodha Bai, the love flourished behind the curtains. But not any more! Gennext is more open about its relationships and has no inhibitions in apprising parents of love interests.

“If you trust your partner and you are sure he'll not ditch you, you must tell your parents about him,” says Pooja Vijayvargiya, an interior designing student. “But before doing that give some time to your relationship. I told my mother about my love interest after two years of dating him.”

For Loveleen Dagar, a fresh entrant to a professional institute, there is nothing on earth she doesn't share with her mother. “Having a boyfriend is normal and I don't see any reason to keep it a secret from parents. In fact, parents can guide you better. See, when I told my mom, she advised me to not go overboard and just maintain a healthy relationship with boys.”

In this research, we came across an interesting fact—girls are more forthcoming and tend to share their secrets with their parents more than boys do. “I've never been in a relationship but when I will be serious about a guy I'll tell my parents,” says Aastha Rathore, a student.

And boys being boys, here is this young chap named Apoorva, who has a girlfriend but will not tell his parents about her. “Maybe I'll tell my mother when I am more serious,” he says. (We'll pray that you girlfriend does not read this, Apoorva). But he is not alone. Says Mahendra Kumawat, “I am dating, but I won't tell my parents about it.” “Neither should you,” he adds amidst confusion whether he did the right thing by telling us!

I am seeing a girl, but I have not told my parents as yet. May be I'll tell my mother when I am more serious about a girl- Apoorva Saxena.

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