Wednesday, February 24, 2010

10 Lies That Men Tell!

The average man lies six times a day, that's twice as often as women.

Here are some of the most common lies they tell…

"I'm Stuck in Traffic"
The most common one, if he’s running late. He’d never want to accept that he actually could not keep a check on the time and end up taking the responsibility for it. Blame it on the traffic.

"It Wasn't That Expensive"
They’d buy something and not tell you the actual price, just to prove that they are responsible with money.

"I'm on My Way"
Something they do not want to attend but really can’t ignore it either, they’d just endup reaching for it late and further keep on delaying it.

“I Didn't Have Too Much to Drink"
An alcohol issue is something that is of a concern. Men always lie about how much they have had to have, so you need to keep a check.

"Sorry, I Missed Your Call"
"My Battery Died"
"I Had No Signal"
These are the most common lies used to hint at you at he wants you to be a bit off him. He’s trying to avoid or ignore you. He wants some time alone.

"No, Your Butt Doesn't Look Big in That"
I guy would always lie about this one for he does not want you to disown him in the bed. So if you want an honest opinion, ask one of your girl friends.

"This Will Be My Last Beer"
When he’s out with his buddies, he wants some time with them. The only time when he wants you completely out of his system, so that he can relive some of his guy moments again.

"Nothing's Wrong, I'm Fine"
A whopping 52 percent of men have told their girlfriend this line. You need to work that charm and poke him further to get the real thing out.

Source: Kanika Sharma

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