I’ve seen a lot of guys succumb to the pressure that their girl is at par with them. In the sense, that she’s just as good as you at things and perhaps, a step ahead. Here’s my piece of advice to all you bachelors’ out their, ready to walk down the aisle - No offences!
So tomorrow you may get married to a girl who is as educated as you are, has a bagful of achievements, and has a tempting job in her kitty. Don’t let the pressure build on you.
I’ll introduce you to this girl…
She has dreams and aspirations, has a few goals to accomplish in life, just because she is a human like you.
She might not know how to prepare the exotic cuisines for you; moreover, she might not know how to cook the basic meal for the day. It’s quite possible that she never entered the kitchen, like your sister, and was busy making a career out there, laying stress on her educational achievements over her culinary achievements.
She has loved her parents and siblings almost as much as you have loved yours in the past 25 years.

She has been brave enough for leaving behind her family, adopting your family and accepting your name as hers.
She is expected to be perfect, making the tea in the morning while you sleep, to be synonymous to the servant of the house cleaning things while you idle your time away, To be the best cook, mother, wife… even if she’s unwilling for it, and despite all this, never complain or say a word, because that’s her so-called destiny!
She had her set of friends, even boys, her school friends, her bestest friends, and those at her workplace. She is the one who’s willing to pull her back from everything to avoid your irrational jealousy, unnecessary fights, and inherent insecurities.
She can be late from work a few times when deadlines block her way back home, just like yours.
She can dance, drink and party just like you, but doesn’t, because she knows it will hurt you, though you won’t say it.
She is the one who is doing her level best to manage in a house where all, but you, are strangers.

Trying to make this new relationship work with success, trying to keep up with everyone’s demands, trying to prove her at every single step, when a number of eyes scan her on each move she makes.
She’s just like you, a learner. You perhaps wouldn’t understand.
But before you write her off, remember, she’s the same girl you made promises of love to, then why didn’t you allow her a little extra time to laze around in bed. She’s the same girl you told to fetch stars for, then why didn’t you understand her predicament when she said she wasn’t well to do the dishes. She’s the same girl whom you screamed at in front of your friends, while respect was all she had ever asked for.
Very few guys understand their woman. Try and fall out of the league. Make her feel wanted, loved and special. She will in turn give you all that you will ever ask for in your life.
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