Saturday, November 28, 2009

What do women want in the bedroom...


Some men, who are virgins, are so embarrassed that they try to hide it from a woman. After speaking to numerous females, I found out that they wouldn't have a care in the world if their man actually was. In fact, it turns them on and even admires that quality of being able to hold it off until they meet Miss Right.

If you have finally decided that you no longer want to just have a one night stand with your woman, then it's a must that you add variety and romance into the bedroom.

Women need flirtation

Unlike men, they don't just jump for joy once you drop your trousers. They need to slowly get into the mood.

Some men find it so hard to add romance into their relationship, yet it can be quite simple. We men just make it hard. Romance is actually so important in the relationship. Without it, the woman will never truly be in the mood and feel sexy. Romance enables the women to make the move on men into the bedroom.

Examples of being romantic could be as easily as going to your local florist and grabbing a dozen of dark red roses and a box of chocolates. Or if you're truly a romantic at heart, try buying rose petals and sprinkling them all over the floor leading from the door to the bedroom and bathroom. It acts like a path to where you want to lead her to go to.


A family man

Although most men expect women to be the cook, why not learn to cook up some simple dishes for the both of you. (Notice why so many chefs are actually males, we do have this talent in us).

Create a three course meal and even add a printed menu of what's being served for the night. Don't go over board or else you two will ended up falling a sleep after a massive meal and just want to head for bed. However, make sure dessert is on the menu, it's a must.

First and foremost, what you need is a step by step plan. This includes making sure you clean up your home so the whole environment is welcoming to shopping and cooking as mentioned earlier.

Having a plan leaves nothing to be accidentally missed and also relieves any final moment stress, thinking there is something that you might have left out.

Just ask her

Unlike men, women know how to communicate their needs very subtly. Men on the other hand, don't know how. If you want something from a woman, just ask. Even ask her what she would like that turns her on.

Women enjoy making both romantic and playful love. Most men just want to get right into it but it doesn't work that way.

At times it can, but the enjoyment from the woman's side would die out very quickly so try to break off this habit. This will ensure that the both of you are enjoying it and it's not just a one sided affair.

Know her needs

To finalize, it all comes to being considerate of the woman's needs. The true gentleman will ask. That is the way you can learn from each other as everybody is different. What one woman enjoys may not be another's cup of tea. If you don't ask, you won't know.

Lastly, compliment. This is where women are very similar to men. They want compliments to know that they also did a great job satisfying your needs as well because you had taken the time to satisfy her needs.

Following the above will ensure that making love is both romantic and long lasting.

Next 5 Articles:

It's time to let go of HER...


This is a question many men find asking themselves. Both men and women do at times hold onto the hope that things will just 'work out' and things will eventually change for the better.

Should your time be spent elsewhere?

If you realize the woman that you have found isn't exactly or bluntly put no where near what you originally envisioned, perhaps its time to finally let go.

Some men think that all women are high maintenance but that is not true. It is true that any relationship needs effort to be put in on both sides and it does take two to tango. However, if you find that it is solely a one sided affair, and it takes so much effort on your end to consistently meet every demand she has of you and cannot see any reciprocation, you must step back and evaluate where will this relationship end up not too distance into the future. Its hard I know, I've been there. However it's better now than never. Why not die once than die a thousand deaths?

When I talk about low maintanance women, I am talking about someone who is emotionally stable doesn't have mood swings. She also doesn't complain day in and day out. She is one who can let things go even if it's your error. That is so important. We men know when we've done something wrong but we definitely do not need someone to remind us all day long!

We are who we are. We can change for the better and it must only be for the better. However, if the woman you're dating expects every thing of you to change in order to meet her expectations of you, you would not be happy long term.

We men are problem solvers, this is our nature. Unlike men, women do not necessarily want things solved even after they have told us. So if you find yourself with a woman who complains all the time yet wants nothing solved and just wants an ear to listen to everyday, you're better to just move on. She is not going to change. That is her nature.

You need to find someone who truly allows you to be yourself and makes you feel happy. If being with someone seems like a task, why bother. It is clearly not enhancing your experience of life.

Ask yourself this. If you find that your relationship is more work than enjoyment, you can only end it and find someone else.

Next 5 Articles:

Men's G-Spot: Explore the unexplored in your man

And you always thought why only guys explored girl's G-spot. Perhaps, that's becuase she dint know you had one. Calling girls : Get down to know the sensitive spots in your man.

1. G-spot

It's a moan's world, after all, so they too have a g-spot. Well, speaking of it more technically, it's a gland under his bladder, commonly called as Prostate gland. It's said that when they're about to reach orgasm, pressing the gland, gives them an instant sexual high and thus, these oragsms are much more intense.

2. Behind the ear

This is a very common spot which gives your man the adrenaline rush. It's an erotic zone. The whole area around the ear is very sensitive. Give him wet kisses their. You may also exhale your warm breath and create the erotica. Nibbling and sucking the earlobe, and gradually moving your nose down his neck will lead him into wildness.

3. The tailbone

Rubbing the tailbone causes huge amounts of sexual energy. Ask your guy to lie face down then while kissing and caressing his back and spine, place two fingers on his tailbone and gently spiral your fingers around that area continuing to kiss him all over. That's also his hidden erogenous zone. Within minutes you will see him begging for more.

Next 5 Articles:

7 steps to get your dream woman in 7 days


If you're anything like most men then you probably spend more time wishing you had a girlfriend than you do going out to meet women. This is often called procrastination. It's when you put things off that you know you should be doing. So take this week to start improving your dating life.

1. Make Time To Go Out

It's impossible to have any kind of a dating life if you don't make time to meet women. Set aside at least one night out of the week for you to get out on the town. That shouldn't be too much for even the busiest of men. Cut back on watching TV and playing video games if you have to. You have to invest some time and effort into your social life just like you would for anything else.

2. A Hobby That Will Allow You To Meet Women

Next up is to find something that you can do in your spare time that allows you to meet more women and people in general. This could be dancing lessons, cooking classes, joining a bowling league, yoga, or something else all together. If you can find something where women outnumber men a great deal then you will be in a great situation.

3. Improve Your Look

Is there something about your appearance you would like to improve on? Would you just like to change things up? Try getting yourself a new haircut, some new clothes, and a daily workout plan. Just a few tweaks here and there will make you feel good about yourself. Let's not forget that it will also get the attention of others.

4. Meet Women Throughout The Day

You're going to have to leave the house at some point. Why don't you start some conversations with women while you are out buying groceries, going for a walk, or at the mall? Your conversations don't have to be long. Just say a few words to see where things can go from there.

5. Make It Your Goal To Say "Hi"

Don't waste all your time trying to think of the prefect words to say. There are no perfect words and never have been. Just say "Hi" when you see a woman you would like to meet. It's a normal thing to do and you won't have to look like a creep. If she sends out a friendly vibe you can then ask her questions about herself to get her talking.

6. Get Over Your Past

When you fall in love you are also risking yourself to get hurt. The problem is that once you get hurt you start to fear getting hurt again. You have to give yourself enough time to get over things, but also not dwell on your past forever. All fear must be conquered in order to achieve the life that you want. Recognize that there is a difference between the feelings of pain and fear of feeling pain.

7. Identify The Type Of Woman You Want

Problem is that a lot of guys get themselves into dating any woman that will have them. Attractive men are picky and set very high standards for the women that they bring into their life. Just dating any woman is a sign of desperation.

Next 5 Articles:

Friday, November 27, 2009

First date: Blonde v/s Brunette


London: They are known for having the most fun - but when it comes to first dates, blondes are more likely to have their romantic hopes crushed than their dark-haired friends, a poll has found.

According to the study of 1,300 people, by Internet dating firm, flaxen-haired hopefuls are a quarter more likely to have their dreams of true love shattered within hours of meeting a new man than a brunette or redhead.

Apparently, blondes are the most likely of anyone to have tried to seduce a first date with recollections about an ex, seen their judgement impaired by drinking too much, and bed their date at the end of the night, reports The Telegraph.

Penny Conway, from the online dating firm, said: "Although it's unlikely a person will behave differently simply because of their hair colour, they may act out of character if they are being treated badly, or according to a stereotype.

"In films blondes are often assumed as being clueless or as having more fun.

"How we are treated by other people can influence how we behave, so this may explain why blondes are more likely to behave badly compared to brunettes or red heads, or go home with their dates on the first night."

From the study, the company found that misguided ideas of alluring behaviour - including turning up late, running away from a partner - was responsible for dampening any first flames of passion.

Next 5 Articles:

Overcome the fear in 3 steps about rejection by a women.

One of the biggest reasons most men don't approach women is because of their fear of rejection. We all want people to like us and we want their approval. This probably holds true even more when that someone is a woman we are attracted to.

So what can you do to overcome that fear of rejection?

I'm going to give you three basic tips that will get you going in the right direction.

Tip #1: Make Your First Attempt A Small One

A lot of men put too much pressure on themselves by getting too ambitious. They try to get too perfect with their first words or get to perfect with their first impression. When the woman they approach doesn't respond well to those things it leaves them with a huge disappointment. That disappointment may cause them to never want to approach another woman ever again.

What you do instead is keep things small and simple. Don't tell her she is beautiful and buy her flowers. What you can do is simply say "Hi". If she ignores you it won't mean as much because you have less invested. It also says a lot about the type of woman she is.

Tip #2: She Only Rejects What She Knows About You

Let's say you just met a woman and have had a nice 10 minute conversation with her. You like her and you think she might like you. So you have decided that before you go you would like to ask her out or get her number. You take a deep breath and fire away. What does she say? She says "No".

Does a woman who has talked to you for 10 minutes really know you all that well? No she doesn't. She can only reject you based on what she knows about you after a 10 minute conversation. She has hardly even got a taste of how amazing you are. Don't take rejection from a woman that hardly knows you too serious.

Tip #3: Focus On The Moment

The more you think about yourself the more you fear rejection. Do I sound stupid? I must look like a fool? There is no way I could approach a woman or ask her out because I feel like an idiot.

All that negative chatter that grows through your mind needs to be replaced with enjoyment. Enjoy meeting new people, enjoy the rush of approaching a beautiful woman, and enjoy finding out what makes her so interesting. Don't focus on your or the outcome. Just focus on what you can get out of that moment.


Most of the time when you are rejected it hardly has anything to do with you personally. The one way you can know if it is your fault is if every person responds to you in the same way. If that is the case it's probably because you are doing something wrong. For now stick with the three tips I have given you. They should give you a nice boost.

Next 5 Articles:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The First Night: What to expect…

couple_310_01You walked in the room amidst a pool of giggles. She was sitting there - all nervous. The only mutual feeling that ran through was ‘what next…?’

Perhaps, that’s the image of the first night engraved in all our minds since the typical filmy scenario came out to explore it. But to begin with, I think, both of you should start going out together. Meet each other, get to know how the other one is, and then go on. Let’s see what to or what not to expect for both of you on your first night.

The Basics:

Guys – Well, I know the only ‘thing’ on your mind could be SEX, but puhhleeezz! Don’t scare her away by happy_couple_passionately_kissing_310beginning with all sexed up talks. Make her comfortable. She’s just left her parents, help her feel home.

Girls – I know the hysteria you have has a little more edge than the guy’s. But please co-operate. If it’s the first time for you, it is the same for him. Give him space and time. Tell him about your expectations.

The Realities:

Guys – You know, the moment you pounce on her, she’ll withdraw because of the sheer ignorance after being bound into an arranged marriage. Get down to talking with her. Hold her, cuddle her, hug her, but don’t talk inappropriate stuff with her. She might take you in the wrong way and take you to be a pervert.

Girls – Relax! Take it just as easy as your first date. Open up a bit. Don’t be too shy or too closed. Talk about family, friends, or anything that’s of common interest. Tell him what good you saw in him that lead to the marriage. This would boost his confidence and help him make a balanced move.

marriage__hands_310_02The Differences:

Guys – There is a difference between love and lust. The woman that you lust for might not be your object for love. You give love for sex. But always remember, for a woman, she’ll only give sex to get love. She’s sensitive, not just physically, but emotionally too. Be understanding.

Girls - Too much of a social pressure to live up to his and his families expectations. As a woman, you must understand a man’s need for persistent sex. I nowhere intend to say that have sex on the first night. But at least be a little empathetic. He will never force sex on you if he loves you. He wants you to be his, not just for a night, but forever…

Next 5 Articles:

Saturday, November 21, 2009

4 reasons why Guys don’t approach you!!!


Sometimes even the plunging of necklines and rising of hemlines don’t work to get that cute-looking guy in the pub. You were looking hot, dressed up gorgeously- So what was it about you that didn’t make him move…

1. The wrong signals: Lady! Everybody does not fall for that perfect pout you project. Sometimes it’s just that million dollar genuine friendly smile that can urge him to take a step forward.

2. The candid look: Don’t scare him with the stare, but at least make an eye-contact to validate your existence in the room. Most guys won’t ever approach a girl who does not make an eye-contact or pass a smile. Signs do a lot of good.

3. The over-flirtatious: Well if you go around the place, telling every guy that he’s hot – chances are that you will never hit this guy. Ofcourse, you will be in his eyes, as bold, loud, and exuberant; he would enjoy looking at you from a distance, but so does he to the strippers. You’re, then, not a take-home-to-mom kinda material.

4. The gang of girls: Keep clinging ivy’s at bay. Guys abhor approaching a girl surrounded by an entire clan of clowns, no matter how tempting it gets. The fear of rejection before the crowd would hold him back. Try to reach out to the jukebox alone, or linger on for a few drinks.

Next 5 Articles:

How to start a conversation with girl


Alert with the fragrance of her perfume, waiting to see what colour dress is she wearing today, fluctuating BP, increasing heart beat. Waiting just one glace and one good morning wish of that girl.

Almost every office going guy might have faced this situation, you want to ask this girl out and take her for a date. But you DON'T take stroke, since you can only imagine the possible NEGATIVE upshot.

Obviously, downbeat outcome that guys fear is, "if I try to ask her out and she turns me down, it will be totally embarrassed having to see her at work from now on! I wouldn't be able to face her again..."This occurs because you've hardened yourself to consider that the most likely result when you move toward women is FAILURE.
For numerous men, impending a pretty girl they like can feel as if they have an anxiety disorder.


The edginess and apprehension can become so bad when trying to "pick up" a pretty girl that you might actually experience symptoms that are similar to those of a panic attack! Before you congregate up, or even loom a woman for a first time. It's a good idea to be equipped and have lots of stuff to talk about.

Moreover, try not to stall in your advance because the longer you leave your approach and stand around appreciative her or permit nasty thoughts enter your mind, the more uneasy you will be when you finally approach her. While you do move toward her, it is also very significant to make eye contact. I know a lot of the motive why people don't make eye contact is because they're shy or nervous.
Make sure you are standing up straight; shoulders back head up. This will show you have a lot of confidence. And women are suckers for a confident man.

Next 5 Articles:

Know when to WALK AWAY…


I know exactly how much courage it takes to finally call off the relationship. The dilemma lies in just crossing that fine line of ‘enough’ to ‘too much’. Believe me; no one can help you take a decision on this. You have to be your own rescuer.

Make a call now…

Physical abuse: Just walk away immediately when this starts. If you've taken this once, it’ll turn to be a routine. And it’s not a norm that only men hit, if a woman hits, she’s is to be blamed equally. Walk away before the nuisance begins.

Cheating on you : If you’re the ‘forgive them’ types, chances are they might take you for granted and cheat again. But if you take them back, just because you can’t overcome your own weakness, you’ll end up ruining yourself. You won’t ever be able to take that off your mind.

The fine line…

Disregard for your family : Your family is an extension of you and so is theirs. If they can’t respect your family, they will never ever respect you. And tell me, why you should take nonsense about people who have made you what you are today. But in such a case, you may give them a second chance and sort out issues.


Verbal insults : It’s human nature to blurt out hurtful things! They might really not mean it when they say things about you. For once, it’s pardonable. But if it’s on the platter for the main course menu everyday, please take a stand and walk out.

Work it out…

Carelessness : C’mon! It’s a petty issue to fight over, unless you’re like really into getting him/her off you. It’s normal to be careless about little things in life. Relax and sit down. Try solving out this. Put clearly what and how you expect things.

Oops! I forgot! : This is the most common of all and surely can be overlooked. I myself have these things of forgetting the small counts because of a very hectic schedule. Maybe, you can do half of it for them to ease the burden. You, as a partner, should understand that the other person is a human and work it out.


Friday, November 20, 2009

10 signs you are getting dumped


Is your relationship on the rocks? Having some trouble decoding those hidden messages your partner is giving you. Here are 10 signs you are on your way out the door. We hate to be the ones to break it to you, but somebody had to do it.

1. Your significant other's (SO) friends start acting distant towards you. If there is a sudden change in their attitude towards you then that is a pretty good clue they know something you don't know.

2. Your SO doesn't listen to you. And, when I say doesn't listen you, I really mean hardly ever listens to you(everyone has days when they aren't the best listeners). Generally, this becomes clear when you are trying to remind them of what you said and they have no idea what you are talking about.

3. Your SO is suddenly busy all of the time. If they truly cared they would be making time for you!

4. Lies, even small ones. Oftentimes this means they are starting a web of lies to cover up the one thing the do not want you to know about.

5. Your SO keeps you waiting. It doesn't even matter in what sense. From decisions on plans, to running late for a date, to not calling when they said they would.

6. A good old pat on the pack. According to many behavioral psychologist a pat on the back during a hug is a sign of uneasiness.

7. Your SO picking silly fights. Like you putting the seat down again or chewing your gum to loud. Picking minor fights is a sign of emotional distress in a relationship.

8. Your SO avoids talking about the future, even the immediate future, like plans for next Tuesday.

9. There is a dramatic change in your SO's sexual behavior. While it could be a sign of outside stress, more often than not it is a sign you are about to get the old heave ho.

10. Any sentence starting with "we need to talk" or "it's not you its me" pretty much means you should be packing the suitcase and moving on.

Next 5 Articles:

Friday, November 13, 2009

Bed HER in 4 simple steps!!!

Well, a fact about getting women to agree to having sex is, she’ll be there with you on the couch if she’s vaguely into you. But don’t overestimate your prowess, play your cards right to lure her into the temptation.
First and foremost, know the girl. You really need to know her type before you start throwing the come hither looks at her. It can only be done through pure deduction. You need to pre-judge and judge if she’s an out-an-out bold and brave seduction or if she’s the mild subtle provocation.
Well, the second move to make – lead her into it. This can be done through giving hints in your course of conversation. Like; “Let’s go somewhere we can be alone” or “Are your roommates home?” Just incase you’re lucky than the rest and have a better chance, you may say, “I’m so horny… What about you?” Use it only if you’re damn sure.
Respect her. A woman craves for nothing more than the basic bare quintessential. Love, care, trust, and the big one – respect. Just a small gesture of controlling yourself whenever she asks you to stop, will take you a long way. They show what she means to you.
The last but not the least – A girl only comes along, if she’s really into you. Don’t push it too hard, else you worsen the chances of bedding her. You will be a li’l ahead of the clan, if she respects you half as much and is willing to be possessed by you – both emotionally and physically. But Boy! Watch out! Don’t scare her away with your desperation!!!

Next 5 Articles:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bring romance back : The mini-moon style


You thought that after four months of your wedding you went to “the honeymoon” and that is it- it was the culmination of romantic escapades. Just not fair. Don’t you think that you should take sometime out and explore options for a getaway?

The place really doesn’t matter, till the time it’s about the two of you. Take some time out. Believe me, just a weekend would do. It’s time to plan your mini-moon.

You may set out on Friday night or Saturday morning depending on the distance of the place you want to go to. Don’t select too far a place else half of your time goes away in traveling. Select a beautiful serene locale around your city.


It’s time to pack your bags. Keep as minimum stuff as possible. You are going for a trip and not settling there. Yes, depending on the weather of the place, you make take your sexy seductive stuff along. After all, it’s your mini honeymoon.

Cuddle, care, love, desires, passions, affection, craving, understanding, concern, secure, faith, trust, responsibility, hope, emotions, feelings, sentiments, promises, tenderness, admiration, pride, tenderness, commitment… these will just be a few synonymous for each other after you return from your “mini-moon”. Have fun!!!

Next 5 Articles:

Tricks for a sex-essful marriage


"Ladies, if you want to crush your man's soul, stop giving him oral sex. If you want to blow his mind, become skilled at it," Matt Titus advises people in Why Hasn't He Proposed, the book he co-authored with wife Tamsen Fadal. That's not all... he goes on to explain how you can become "proficient at this particular job" through videos, books and even "classes that teach you trusted techniques".

With a punch line that says 'Go from the First Date to Setting the Date,' this guide for women in dead-end relationships is entertaining, to say the least. The duo share experiences they've had with friends and clients. They take turns to present their cases -- the woman's perspective and the man's -- with little drawings of a boy and a girl so as to let the reader know which sex is talking.

Their advice is fun and even insightful at times: "folks who are willing to cohabit are often the same folks who are more divorce-prone to begin with" and "contrary to popular belief, men are not biologically wired to have sex with more than one woman".

Even more amusing than the insights/cases/research are chapter titles: 'Extinguish His Fear of Wedding Hell', 'Tricks for a Sex-cessful Marriage', 'I Take Thee to Be My Wife, Not My Warden'. The wording alone may be enough to do the trick.

The book is more fun if you read it alongside How To Create A Magical Relationship by husband-wife team Ariel and Shya Kane, who've been been married for 25 years.
Ariel and Shya offer more cases and examples of clients they've successfully helped. But they tend to over-generalise ("Many women have not discovered that they can be themselves and still include their femininity") and harp on stereotypes ("A 'relationship splitter' is a person who has a specific type of incompletion with his or her parents.") To their credit, the authors attempt to explain this through examples: Boy gets friendly with couple and eventually breaks them up because he grew up believing he was a better companion for his mother than his father had been. Huh?

Next 5 Articles:

Know the “woman” in your life…


I’ve seen a lot of guys succumb to the pressure that their girl is at par with them. In the sense, that she’s just as good as you at things and perhaps, a step ahead. Here’s my piece of advice to all you bachelors’ out their, ready to walk down the aisle - No offences!

So tomorrow you may get married to a girl who is as educated as you are, has a bagful of achievements, and has a tempting job in her kitty. Don’t let the pressure build on you.

I’ll introduce you to this girl…

She has dreams and aspirations, has a few goals to accomplish in life, just because she is a human like you.

She might not know how to prepare the exotic cuisines for you; moreover, she might not know how to cook the basic meal for the day. It’s quite possible that she never entered the kitchen, like your sister, and was busy making a career out there, laying stress on her educational achievements over her culinary achievements.

She has loved her parents and siblings almost as much as you have loved yours in the past 25 years.

She has been brave enough for leaving behind her family, adopting your family and accepting your name as hers.

She is expected to be perfect, making the tea in the morning while you sleep, to be synonymous to the servant of the house cleaning things while you idle your time away, To be the best cook, mother, wife… even if she’s unwilling for it, and despite all this, never complain or say a word, because that’s her so-called destiny!

She had her set of friends, even boys, her school friends, her bestest friends, and those at her workplace. She is the one who’s willing to pull her back from everything to avoid your irrational jealousy, unnecessary fights, and inherent insecurities.

She can be late from work a few times when deadlines block her way back home, just like yours.

She can dance, drink and party just like you, but doesn’t, because she knows it will hurt you, though you won’t say it.

She is the one who is doing her level best to manage in a house where all, but you, are strangers.
Trying to make this new relationship work with success, trying to keep up with everyone’s demands, trying to prove her at every single step, when a number of eyes scan her on each move she makes.

She’s just like you, a learner. You perhaps wouldn’t understand.

But before you write her off, remember, she’s the same girl you made promises of love to, then why didn’t you allow her a little extra time to laze around in bed. She’s the same girl you told to fetch stars for, then why didn’t you understand her predicament when she said she wasn’t well to do the dishes. She’s the same girl whom you screamed at in front of your friends, while respect was all she had ever asked for.

Very few guys understand their woman. Try and fall out of the league. Make her feel wanted, loved and special. She will in turn give you all that you will ever ask for in your life.

Next 5 Articles:

Why WOMEN cheat in marriage?

She wants to have good sex. She wants emotional security. She wants love. She wants to reassure herself of her beauty. No these weren’t the reasons why she married you, but why she’s cheating on you.

They say, it’s very difficult to understand a woman. Actually, they’d put it just right except that the woman should be smart enough to keep the man engaged and guessing.

She cheated you and you're in tears. Perhaps she was looking for emotional security that you couldn't provide, or that helping hand to overcome issues, or that oh-so-hot guy she had rocking sex with, or maybe, you just failed to match her unsurpassable IQ.

Reasons could be numerous, but find out when she's making the move.

The signs:

Emotional changes: She gets distant and cold; gets angry at every little thing. Or starts pleasing you the way she has never done before. Bringing you flowers, calling you baby etc etc etc.

Physical changes: She’s started eyeing herself in the mirror more than often now. Goes gymming regularly, has lost weight, has started putting on sexier attires, has changed her hairstyle and goes for weekly parlor sessions.


Sexual changes: She sleeps early at night or way late after you’re already snoring. You hardly have any sex together. Or you have way more sex than before. She tries to overcome her guilt by serving you more.

Lifestyle changes: She is working overtime, but its nowhere showing in her pay cheques. She spends more time out of the house. She’s over the phone most of the time. She says she’s talking to her friend while her phone bills show nothing of the sort. Her messages tone beeps more oft. She’s put a security lock in her phone.

She has cheated on you, now what?

In case, she’s acted dirty and been the cause of remorse to you, be prepared to take a call. You have to be strong and act brave. Get down to detailing what, why and how it happened. Though it may be painful, it will save you the disgrace of ruining your life. Make sure you caught no STI’s in the course.

Hold on! Mark my words, though these may be the signs for her infidelity, don’t jump to conclusions. Have full proof before you hit the iron rod on her. Because just in case you are wrong, believe me, you will have a real hard time

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