Friday, November 27, 2009

Overcome the fear in 3 steps about rejection by a women.

One of the biggest reasons most men don't approach women is because of their fear of rejection. We all want people to like us and we want their approval. This probably holds true even more when that someone is a woman we are attracted to.

So what can you do to overcome that fear of rejection?

I'm going to give you three basic tips that will get you going in the right direction.

Tip #1: Make Your First Attempt A Small One

A lot of men put too much pressure on themselves by getting too ambitious. They try to get too perfect with their first words or get to perfect with their first impression. When the woman they approach doesn't respond well to those things it leaves them with a huge disappointment. That disappointment may cause them to never want to approach another woman ever again.

What you do instead is keep things small and simple. Don't tell her she is beautiful and buy her flowers. What you can do is simply say "Hi". If she ignores you it won't mean as much because you have less invested. It also says a lot about the type of woman she is.

Tip #2: She Only Rejects What She Knows About You

Let's say you just met a woman and have had a nice 10 minute conversation with her. You like her and you think she might like you. So you have decided that before you go you would like to ask her out or get her number. You take a deep breath and fire away. What does she say? She says "No".

Does a woman who has talked to you for 10 minutes really know you all that well? No she doesn't. She can only reject you based on what she knows about you after a 10 minute conversation. She has hardly even got a taste of how amazing you are. Don't take rejection from a woman that hardly knows you too serious.

Tip #3: Focus On The Moment

The more you think about yourself the more you fear rejection. Do I sound stupid? I must look like a fool? There is no way I could approach a woman or ask her out because I feel like an idiot.

All that negative chatter that grows through your mind needs to be replaced with enjoyment. Enjoy meeting new people, enjoy the rush of approaching a beautiful woman, and enjoy finding out what makes her so interesting. Don't focus on your or the outcome. Just focus on what you can get out of that moment.


Most of the time when you are rejected it hardly has anything to do with you personally. The one way you can know if it is your fault is if every person responds to you in the same way. If that is the case it's probably because you are doing something wrong. For now stick with the three tips I have given you. They should give you a nice boost.

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