Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The First Night: What to expect…

couple_310_01You walked in the room amidst a pool of giggles. She was sitting there - all nervous. The only mutual feeling that ran through was ‘what next…?’

Perhaps, that’s the image of the first night engraved in all our minds since the typical filmy scenario came out to explore it. But to begin with, I think, both of you should start going out together. Meet each other, get to know how the other one is, and then go on. Let’s see what to or what not to expect for both of you on your first night.

The Basics:

Guys – Well, I know the only ‘thing’ on your mind could be SEX, but puhhleeezz! Don’t scare her away by happy_couple_passionately_kissing_310beginning with all sexed up talks. Make her comfortable. She’s just left her parents, help her feel home.

Girls – I know the hysteria you have has a little more edge than the guy’s. But please co-operate. If it’s the first time for you, it is the same for him. Give him space and time. Tell him about your expectations.

The Realities:

Guys – You know, the moment you pounce on her, she’ll withdraw because of the sheer ignorance after being bound into an arranged marriage. Get down to talking with her. Hold her, cuddle her, hug her, but don’t talk inappropriate stuff with her. She might take you in the wrong way and take you to be a pervert.

Girls – Relax! Take it just as easy as your first date. Open up a bit. Don’t be too shy or too closed. Talk about family, friends, or anything that’s of common interest. Tell him what good you saw in him that lead to the marriage. This would boost his confidence and help him make a balanced move.

marriage__hands_310_02The Differences:

Guys – There is a difference between love and lust. The woman that you lust for might not be your object for love. You give love for sex. But always remember, for a woman, she’ll only give sex to get love. She’s sensitive, not just physically, but emotionally too. Be understanding.

Girls - Too much of a social pressure to live up to his and his families expectations. As a woman, you must understand a man’s need for persistent sex. I nowhere intend to say that have sex on the first night. But at least be a little empathetic. He will never force sex on you if he loves you. He wants you to be his, not just for a night, but forever…

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