Saturday, November 28, 2009

It's time to let go of HER...


This is a question many men find asking themselves. Both men and women do at times hold onto the hope that things will just 'work out' and things will eventually change for the better.

Should your time be spent elsewhere?

If you realize the woman that you have found isn't exactly or bluntly put no where near what you originally envisioned, perhaps its time to finally let go.

Some men think that all women are high maintenance but that is not true. It is true that any relationship needs effort to be put in on both sides and it does take two to tango. However, if you find that it is solely a one sided affair, and it takes so much effort on your end to consistently meet every demand she has of you and cannot see any reciprocation, you must step back and evaluate where will this relationship end up not too distance into the future. Its hard I know, I've been there. However it's better now than never. Why not die once than die a thousand deaths?

When I talk about low maintanance women, I am talking about someone who is emotionally stable doesn't have mood swings. She also doesn't complain day in and day out. She is one who can let things go even if it's your error. That is so important. We men know when we've done something wrong but we definitely do not need someone to remind us all day long!

We are who we are. We can change for the better and it must only be for the better. However, if the woman you're dating expects every thing of you to change in order to meet her expectations of you, you would not be happy long term.

We men are problem solvers, this is our nature. Unlike men, women do not necessarily want things solved even after they have told us. So if you find yourself with a woman who complains all the time yet wants nothing solved and just wants an ear to listen to everyday, you're better to just move on. She is not going to change. That is her nature.

You need to find someone who truly allows you to be yourself and makes you feel happy. If being with someone seems like a task, why bother. It is clearly not enhancing your experience of life.

Ask yourself this. If you find that your relationship is more work than enjoyment, you can only end it and find someone else.

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