Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sexlicious: have greater SEX!

Sexlicious: Eat to have greater SEX!

An excellent sex life doesn’t just happen – it requires a little help, which means a balanced and nutrients diet combined with regular moderate exercise and a positive attitude. These are all key elements in helping to keep your sex drive high and your reproductive system in good working order. It cannot be ignored that there are certain nutrients which have the power to regulate the levels of sex hormones in your body, and some can even help to protect your reproductive system from the potentially damaging effects of infection or disease.


A be short of zinc can cause infertility and impotence, and while moderate amounts of alcohol can help people to feel relaxed.

Caffeine in coffee, tea and cola drinks can reduce libido.

Being either overweight or underweight can reduce the libido and impair fertility. A certain level of body fat is necessary ovulation and menstruation, and when fat drops below a certain critical point, ovulation and menstruation both cease. At the other extreme, obesity can impair ovulation in women.

A negative attitude to your weight or body shape can dent your confidence in sex and relationships.

There is perhaps more than a grain of truth in the theory that oysters are good for your sex life, as they are the richest food source of zinc, and zinc is known to be one of the key nutrients involved in enhancing libido & the production of sperm. Low levels of zinc have been linked both with poor libido in women and with a low sperm count in men. You can obtain zinc from shellfish (particularly oysters), whole meal bread, brown rice, dark green leafy Vegetables, lean red meat and turkey.

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