Friday, July 24, 2009

Quick BYTES to pep up your sex life……

Want your partner to ask "your place or mine" try these quick bytes which is goanna rock your sex life .

Pretend you just met him

"When your sex life started to slow down, start thinking about how another woman would see your partner if she just met him -- and this would impress him. You do things like buying new lingerie, getting up just a little earlier than usual to join him in the shower or making time to play later in the tub. You will totally rediscover each other's sexiness after that."

Tease each other

"Sometimes, when your partner and you wake up and hear the kids, we start kissing and caressing anyway. Of course you don't continue, but you get all worked up and then go all day stealing little looks and kisses. Sure, you could duck away and end the torture, but think that secretly, you both enjoy this little dance. It definitely keeps things exciting!"

. Act on your moods

The problem was that even if you were in the mood when your husband was at work, by the time he got home you’d be too exhausted. It started to get so frustrating! Then, you figured out a plan. Every time you get in the mood during the middle of the day, you put a blindfold or something suggestive under his pillow. Even though you may be too tired to initiate sex later, he finds the little clue and definitely gets the message."

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