Monday, January 18, 2010

Can I sustain a physical relationship?

1125feetsexbedcouple_sm_310A relationship does not need to always have an emotional bondage…or does it?

Some of us share a certain kind of a space with certain people, where the only motive to see or be with each other is SEX, to be very simple, in bed! So how can you sustain a relationship that is only physical in nature?

So what are these few things that you should keep in mind while trying to sustain a physical relationship:

Make it clear, what is the motive behind this relationship and both of you should agree to it. There is a need for a mutual consent to exist.

No need to have prolonged conversations over the phone or through messages. Once the motive is defined, make sure stick to it. Do not over indulge yourself.

No need to hang around or go for long drives or “spend some time together”, as that would only make things worse for you. The close you guys become, the more difficult it becomes to detach yourself.

If you want to may be just chill, or relax, or may be catch up for a movie, he’s not the company you should opt for. The only movie that you should see with him should be a porn movie!

If you think that you are an emotional fool and that you would never be able to sustain a relationship like this, do not even think about it!!

Source: Kanika Sharma

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