Friday, January 22, 2010

Facts you don’t know about orgazm

_1_female_g_spot_home_310_01Several women have orgasms and don’t know it. Some women do not experience orgasm in the sense of feeling their pelvic floor muscles contract. Only about a third of women experience orgasm regularly during intercourse. A third can reach orgasm with intercourse but need extra stimulation.

Women who have never had an orgasm may never have learned about what type and duration of stimulation they need. While there are many ways a loving partner can help a woman reach orgasm, in the end, a woman is responsible for her own sexual pleasure.

Below are few amazing facts about orgasm:
The paranormal G Spot:
The G spot is a small region in the vagina that, if stirred, can create wildly intense orgasms. But, since decades, strong support for the region's existence was harder to find than the spot itself. There's an explicit difference amid women who could have G-spot orgasms and women who couldn't. Now, it is time to teach women with G spots how to put them to use.
It is all a brain game:
It's folk understanding that people can't think straight when they have sex on their minds. A brain study showed that many areas of women's brains were deactivated during orgasm, counting those involved in emotion.
What if you can’t have orgasm:
It is factual that many women have evils in their sensual lives. Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) is so ordinary that the very idea that it is a checkup disorder has come beneath attack and thus efforts to develop drugs to treat it are underway.
Genes influence orgasm occurrence:
The disparity in women's skill to have orgasm could be down to genes. Many women not at all have orgasms during intercourse, and some also cannot have them through masturbation. Some of this may be down to external factors like upbringing, but the study showed that the genetic factors is significant.
It is a female mystery:
The female orgasm is a mystery for evolutionary biologists. It is indistinct why women should have orgasms at all, and it is particularly baffling that so many women should be unable to have orgasms during penetrative sex, but able to have them by masturbation.

Source: Megha Chutervedi

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