Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Top 5 Myths about Women!

mysterywoman0807_310You might just think you know what is it that women want, but are you sure that all that you know is how it goes or are you just giving in to certain pre-conceived myths about women?

So getting you well versed with some myths about women, that are more often than believed to be facts.

Myth No. 1
Women want to talk

Wanting to talk does not mean indulging into a conversation always. Women are not interested in having a one on one conversation with you regarding everything. They really do not want to know your remarks or opinion about what they talk about. They just want to be heard! Women like men who listen to what they have to say rather than just talk.

Myth No. 2
Women want macho men

When you and your woman are at a club and some random guy hits on her you might think that she wants you to stand up to the guy and wrestle it out. However, that just makes you look possessive and crazy, which makes her feel embarrassed. Yes, women want manly men who know their way under the hood of a car and can manage a household budget, but they aren’t impressed by a flashy show of macho behavior.

Myth No. 3
Women want to hear about your feelings

Many women have said they want men who will open up about their feelings. So we welcomed the metrosexual trend, which was not only about men packing on the moisturizer but also about lowering the fortress on their sensitive sides. That’s fine and well, but don’t open your emotional floodgates just for the sake of it or if it’s not your style. When women whine about wanting a man who expresses his feelings, they’re really saying that they want a man who’ll talk about his thoughts and opinions. That makes her feel more included in your world and helps her get to know you. It doesn’t mean she expects any badly written poetry or crying sessions either.

Myth No. 4
Women want to be the center of your life
Real, confident women don’t want to be the center of your life. They are most attracted to men who already have full lives -- friends, activities they love pursuing, passions, and interests. If you revolve your life around her, it can be a turn-off because then you come across as desperate or like you have no life. So, sure, go on and give her a starring role, but don’t make her the only character starring in the skit -- she’ll get bored under the blinding spotlight.

Myth No. 5
Women want you to ditch your female friends

Your girlfriend isn’t bothered that you have female friends. Rather, she probably likes it because it shows her you’re well-balanced and know how to understand women. Not only do you have experience being there during female-related tough times and breakdowns, but if your female friends actually like you it means you know how to relate to women.

Source: Kanika Sharma

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