Friday, January 22, 2010

Girl, get rid of that moron

depressed_womanNobody can foresee the future of a relationship. There are times when you end up in a situation where either you're leaving someone or you're left by someone; and no matter how it happened, the loss of your relationship can bring on extreme despair.

Friends for ever:
Even if you have been neglecting your friends since you are in a relationship, trust me they would always accept you. So, hang around with them. The group can be a "face to face" one or an online one. Initiate yourself; give a brief description of what you're going through. Open up and be completely honest on how you feel.

Workout daily:
Exercising releases natural drugs in the brain called endorphins which give you a natural high. Believe it or not after exercising one feels light hearted and guilt free. That’s the time you can go out and hang around with new friends.

Indulge in a hobby
The best way to get over past trauma is to indulge and make yourself busy in some hobby. Activities you like for example dance class, singing, cooking or even just going out in the garden and looking at some children playing can be of some help.

Get away from old memories:
May be this is the first thing you must do. Please throw away all the old and bad memories from your shelf. Flush away the pictures, remove all the videos and delete all the messages.

When it's over it's over:
Stop calling, emailing, IM'ing etc. Cut off all contact with your ex. Communicating with your ex just extends the pain and can cause some nasty fights.

Source: Megha Chaturvedi

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