Friday, January 29, 2010

What after cheating on him?

shecheateddoyouwanttoknow_310You may really love your guy and have always been there for him in every possible way. But you got to admit to one thing. Occasionally when a hottie crosses your path, you fantasize about him to every possible extent. And when you get an opportunity, you go ahead with it!

But whether it's a kiss or full-on intercourse, oftentimes the subsequent guilt is hard to shake.

Here are a few don’t that you should keep in mind.

Honesty is not really the best policy

Keep your mouth shut! Although it might just make you feel better, if you tell him, but it will only hurt him and ruin the trust between you. Even if the guilt is killing you, let it be your burden to bear. Moreover, no need to blab it out to all your friends. The chances are much more that he might just come to know from other people. Now that would hurt much more!

Why did you do it?

The mere fact that you decided to cheat on your guy, could be because of something not going right in your relationship. Sometimes, women having sex with other men, find it to be an alternative to ease out pressure. Or may be, she is able to find something that her current guy is not able to give her. So, you need to ask yourself, why you did it then take a final decision about you and your relationship.

When he finds out

This could be a possibility when your guy finds out about you not being honest to him. Assuming you still want to be with him, your best bet is to say how sorry you are, swear it'll never happen again, and beg for his forgiveness. Instead of finding excuses and tying to justify your actions, just simply accept your mistake and apologize.

Its your thing

Some women have a tendency to cheat on their guys. It is like an inherited gene. The motive is not very strongly defined it could be just for fun! So men, beware!

Finally, being cheated on can do a number on a person's self-esteem, so you have to stroke the poor boy's ego. Regardless, he will be pissed and might need space. If so, leave him alone until, fingers crossed, he forgives you, if you want to be forgiven that is!

Source: Kanika Sharma

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