Sunday, January 24, 2010

Top 12 SEX facts

sex2_310The Fox news has gone ahead and listed out the sex findings of 2008 that repeated the same old facts. Though 'sex sells' however the media did not provide the public with any new findings.

1. Attractive people probably have more sex:

Men with 'masculine' faces and women with 'attractive' faces reportedly had more of casual sex, as concluded by the Researchers at the University of Durham in Britain.

2. Unplanned pregnancy affects her quality of life:

Unintended pregnancy takes a toll on the woman's life, the old fact reported by the Research in the September issue of Contraception did not offer anything new.

3. Porn as sex educator:

A study by the Austrian Institute for Sexual Education re-reported that the Austrian males seeked pornography as a means of sex information, nothing new.

4. She's good to ride horses:

Horseback riding does not affect a female's sexual health, this was verified by Dr. Shaheen Alanee and colleagues at the University of Minnesota.

5. Methamphetamine use makes for risky sexual behaviors

Usage of methamphetamine is associated with risky sexual behaviors and adolescent pregnancy, the findings did not come as a surprise as it has long been known that substance abuse is associated with risky sexual behavior. The fact was reported by a research in the Journal of School Health.

6. He said/she said:

The gender divide on the out look of sex was once again highlighted by research in the College Student Journal. The study talked about how oral sex was not viewed as sex by the men whereas the women very much thought that it is a sexual act. The same views goes by cybersex, where the men do not link it with cheating and the women thought it very much was cheating. Lastly, men believe that the frequency of sex drops after marriage, while the women thought otherwise.

7. It's okay to pressure her:

Teenaged boy thought it was alright to pressurize a girl in to having sex and many a times used alcohol to lure them in to bed. The fact was reconfirmed in a research by Sheffield University in England.

8. Condoms make for less pleasure

Researchers at the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University found that women who used condoms, whether solo or with other hormonal methods, reported

9. Ugh! It's Brad and Jen all over again

Ridiculous as it may seem, but an investigation conducted at Queen's University Belfast found the obvious-sexual infidelity was more upsetting for men, whereas emotional unfaithfulness was more distressful for women. Also, it was found that men think that women have sex when they're in love.

10. Intra ... what?

IUD - intrauterine device was widely unknown by more than 60 percent of 14- to 24-year-old females. This was uncovered in a survey conducted in September 2008 issue of Contraception. The findings were not new, as the youth do not receive education on contraception.

11 It''s all in your head:

Sex is a mind-body-soul experience as told by the sexologists, with the brains as the largest sex organ. However a portuguese study this year reported that men''s concern over erection negatively correlated with sexual arousal. For women, lack of erotic thoughts and failure to control intrusive thoughts were found to impact their sexual response.

12. Parents want comprehensive sex education:

A study in the Journal of Adolescent Health once again found that nine out of 10 parents want their children to be educated on both contraception and abstinence. Parents have declared since long that they want their children to get information that protects them from pregnancy, HIV, and STDs

Source: AGENCY

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