Friday, January 1, 2010

Are you jealous of your guy’s hot friend?


You’re feeling strange these days because in spite of being so confident of your guy and his love for you, you’re still not able to gulp down the presence of one of his hot female friends. I know you completely hate it as, this no way means that you mistrust your guy or are insecure about him but, there’s more to it.

Well, this is purely an example of how a person changes in a relationship and perhaps, also an example of what love does to you. Have you ever bothered to find out why exactly are you so conscious of your man hanging out with his good friend? Forget about your man, you’re a woman and why would you not trust another.

Perhaps a reason for the same is the fact that you belong to that school of thought that suggests- if my guy loves me enough then he’ll stop seeing their old friends just to keep the peace, just the way girls (in most cases) go on neglecting their mates for a new relationship. So, how valid are these worries? Well, they are worries if you want to call them worries. Now that you’ve accepted that you’re a jealous girlfriend, there’s a piece of advice for you- You ought to accept that his female pals are those women who were in his life before you came along and they are here to stay, the way you think you are.

One can never really know what exactly that female hottie thinks of your guy, she might as well just be mourning the loss of someone who was boyfriend material but is now going steady with you. Men can’t see what you can but, what really can you do in such a situation? Nothing man… Remember one thing for life, your guy does really like the fact that you trust him completely and let him be and now, it’s too late to tell him how terrible you feel about his best friend just because she is perhaps better (read hotter) than you. The moment you let this secret slurp out of your mouth, your relationship might just go for a toss.

Don’t forget that he chose to be with you, instead of his friend, so, respect him for that and let those jealousy emblazoned thoughts go to the bin. It’s okay if you can’t be friends with your guy’s friend. Just be yourself, believe me you’ll be much happier!

Source: Ankita Shukla

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