Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Check her chin to know if She's cheating!


Latest study has revealed that women with larger chins are most likely to cheat their partners. The prominent jawline can signify a woman's infidelity.

The larger chins are a result of high level of the male growth hormone testosterone, which is present in all women in varying amounts. The hormone is related to sexual assertiveness in a woman, a general tendency of men.

Women from four universities across the US and Canada, were questioned about their sexual histories and fantasies for the study. The research also revealed that men subconsciously avoid large chinned women, as per the evolutionary desire of the male to have a female that produces only his child.

Famous example is Meg Ryan, the Hollywood star with a prominent jawline, who cheated her husband Dennis Quaid with her co-star Russell Crowe. Meg Ryan, the Hollywood star with a prominent jawline, who cheated her husband Dennis Quaid with her co-star Russell Crowe.

"The findings are important in demonstrating that perceptions of women as desirable and trustworthy long-term mates can be reliably gleaned by men from viewing only the women's facial features," the Telegraph quoted the authors as saying.

"Results suggest that information about women's sexual unrestrictedness, which is related to their risk of infidelity, can potentially be conveyed by the masculinity of women's faces," they added.

Dr. Lorne Campbell, a psychologist from Western Ontario University, who took part in the project, said: "It is difficult to conceal physical features, such as facial characteristics, that are partly governed by testosterone and reliably correlate with one's sexual history and attitudes.

"The research is the first to our knowledge to suggest that a more masculine facial appearance in women might convey their sexual unrestrictedness and perhaps their long-term mate quality," Campbell added.

Source: Agencies

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