Sunday, January 17, 2010

Love Is Really Blind

'Love is blind' – a phrase that has often made us think. Is 'love' really blind? Modern-day research supports the view that the blindness of love is not just a figurative matter, but, it establishes a fact that feelings of love suppressed the activity of the areas of the brain that control critical thought. Sorry, no threat intended, whatsoever. We all know how subjective it is.

However, if you (referring the girls') think, the coming days of your newly blossomed love-life might entwine something disastrous, it'll be highly advisable to look for the right option. Yes, option. According to a survey, British men don't seem to look a lot about the qualities that their girl inherit; less fussier in short. All that really matters to them is anything but love. The survey, that was carried out by theonline dating service parship, found that U.K. males are much less fussy, and that these men valued brains over beauty. There you go: you always have an option now, don't you?

On the more serious note, the figures, which came out after questioning 13,000 singletons, found that 83 per cent of the singletons would be happier to be dating unemployed women. And, when asked what did they really look for in a woman, 70 percent of the men in the poll favoured qualities like good communication skills, a sense of humour, openness, honesty and intelligence.

But, this doesn't deny the fact that physical appearance is also important. Over half (52%) thought a pretty face was a must in a potential mate. Ok. Understandable. I don't like to be going around with some body who reminds me of the girl who kills my favorite actor in the movie I had watched recently. No body does, after all.

Brit women, on the other hand, seemed to be slightly more selective in their quest to find their perfect partner, reports Sky News.

Source: ANI

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