They cannot speak the truth most of the time and they have to bend the truth whether large or small. It usually develops in early childhood. Maybe a child grows in an environment where lying is made necessary and routine. It may also stem from guilt, worry, doubt or low esteem.
Ultimately, making this type of distinction may not be that useful. Because in either case, the outcome is typically the same: dealing with a compulsive or pathological liar is very difficult to do. Unfortunately, compulsive lying is hard for the person involved to see, but it hurts those who are around it. Compulsive lying, if not addressed, can easily ruin a relationship.
Compulsive lying affect the liars' lives and the lives of the people around them. Corrosive doubt will always linger about manipulation; leaving the victim emotionally hurt because of the deceit they have experience. They are always less confident about future relationships. The past may be bad but you can still make most of the future.
Source: Megha Chutervedi
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